Monday, March 16, 2015

DAY 8-Start of Week 2-LIMITLESS


Can you believe it's day 8, my first week is done, I did pretty good with the exception of hurting my achilles heel which is slowly getting better.  Back on the water track today, I do so much better  when it's right in front of me.  I keep my gallon jug right next to at my desk and the minute my water bottle gets low, I refill it.

Do I notice any changes??  Wish I could give you some inspirational exclamation that I am seeing monumental changes, but to be honest, with the exception of a little difference I "think" I see in my face, I haven't noticed anything yet.  Does that mean I haven't been successful, HECK NO!

Drinking more water is better for me.  No junk food and processed sugar is better for my body.  Maybe my body is just still in shock from the lack of soda and starbursts that it is rebelling against me for the first week in hopes of crushing my spirit and getting me to go back to my old ways.  Well, I really hate to let my body down, but it's going to have to get used to the new way and join the party. Once this injury is healed, I'm back to my routine, I'm just hoping it's sooner that later.

Been eating more fruit (easy to do when you actually go to the store and purchase it) and have some more recipes to try.  The cauliflower bites from Saturday posts (recipe in Saturday March 14, 2015 post) were awesome.  Everyone loved them and they went like hot cakes.  Have some snackie things to try  I just need to find the time to make them.  Hopefully can do some tonight.

Crunch time now, I have until March 30 when I take my Series 7 test for the last time and keeping my mind and body on a better path, I am hoping will make me successful.  Not as stressed at this moment but am taking classes all next week to prep for test and then will cram some more next weekend and take on Monday and hopefully be able to report a successful passing of this test.

So to my quotes of the day, by a great Greek philosopher, Socrates...


So that is what I have to focus on.  Building new, which coincides with Spring very nicely I think.  Because in the Spring, things come to life, it is like the world is waking up from a winter slumber and can't wait to get going.

Change is hard.  Don't get me wrong.  I grabbed a soda out of habit out of my fridge the other day and then had to walk all the way back to get my water.  I have struggled and looked at the brownie pan and know that one bite won't kill me, but it's the 2nd, 3rd, 4th,.........10th bite that I know will be my downfall.  Temptation is everywhere and it's not easy to pass on yummy things that I normally would have had, but I have to be strong.  Putting myself first is hard but in the end it will be worth it.

So to those that are have a difficult day or just need that little push, if I can do this, then it's possible for anyone.  I'm not perfect by any means, just a person trying to make her life a little better each day, some days I'm a marathon runner and the finish line is a looooooooooooooooooooong ways away, but others days have been proving to be short sprints where I don't even break a sweat.  So stay with me and see what happens.  I may just lose 5 pounds and have the new super power of being able to put out a forest fire on one of my restroom breaks from all the water I drink or maybe I'll do something AMAZING, and even surprise the stuffing out of myself.  The point is that what I can do can be limitless, it all really depends on me.  If I sabotage myself, then I'm the only one that is hurt, but if I lift myself up, tell myself I'm worth it, and believe it deep in my soul than that is exactly what my adventure will be.....LIMITLESS.

So stay tuned for more on Week 2, injury be darned, I can at least do some upper body strength training, but as soon as I'm able to put weight on my heel than I'm back to my challenge and giving it my 110% in the exercise department.

So same bat time tomorrow, same bat channel!  Thanks for reading!!!!

Food Log Monday, March 16, 2015
Quaker Oatmeal (only ate about half)

Salad with boiled egg, smoked pork, pico de gallo


Smoked Chicken (sampled at HyVee in Webster City and it was AWESOME)
Roasted cauliflower and broccoli


1 comment:

Spring Ahead- SUCKS

I know the majority of you out there in blog land enjoy the changing of the seasons from winter to spring and you give me grief for my l...