Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 15 - Must be doing something right!

Well must be doing something right. Weighed myself this am and I'm down 12 pounds. Not bad considering I was injured half the time. Imagine how I would do once my old body gets going.

A little hard today and for the week. Am at classes every day and not the healthiest of choices for eating plus hard to drink all my water when I need to be sitting for hours at a time and don't want to miss anything.

5:30 was early and my spark didn't cut it so did have a fountain soda this morning.  But switched back to water.  My wonderful lunch is consisting of a chicken wrap with me just eating the inside and not the wrap.

Getting to see an old friend for dinner tonight, so will order a salad or whatever they have that is equal to it.


Trust me, as the day gets longer I get weirder!

Which is what my fellow series 7 students probably think. But hey sitting in a "quiet" room waiting on the instructor is not one of my strong points! And anyone who knows me can verify this fact.  I will talk to you and believe it or not will kind of expect some sort of response

Have to blog from my phone since I'm out of town so forgive me if it looks different.

It's week 3 and I'm getting the hang of eating better.  They say it takes 40 days to make something habit and I'm on my way.

So back to sitting and my book learnin so I can get to be a smartie pant security wiz.

So have a great Monday everyone!

Food Log Monday March 23, 2015

The inside of a wrap with chicken & veggies

Some type of salad


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