Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Resolutions

Well after some significant thought, I have come up with some resolutions, but I like to think of them more as life improvements.

At the end of 2012 what do I want to be:

Well, that's an extremely tough question to ask oneself.  But I think after some very deep thought and a little research I've come up with some things I'd like to achieve in 2012.

1.  Workout 6 days a week.  At least 1 hour each day.
2.  Keep a food log.  Maybe when I see what I actually am putting into my mouth and my mood or stress level at that time, maybe I can get a little better control on my fitness goals.
3.  Get in contact with friends more often.  With kids and work and such, I have the uncanny ability to put myself last on the list of extracurricular activities.  Not that I don't love my family, but I think maybe I need to get into my head that I "deserve" some off time also.  This one might be the toughest one I have to acheive but I think with baby steps I can do it. 
4.  Try very hard not to participate in the drama that happens at work or for that matter, drama anywhere.  I am a good listener but have to realize that when I listen I am just as must a participant as the one speaking.  Even though I may not forward the information, I need to work better on concentrating on the positive than on the what might happen negative.
5.  I want to participate in at least 5 5K runs this Spring/Summer/Fall.  I did one last year and even though Spencer and I came in pretty close to last, I think with all the extra effort I am putting into my fitness level I might be able to finish with the runners rather than the walkers.  So if you know of any 5K's happening after March 2012, I am game.

I realize you might think that that is an awful lot of goals to achieve.  But in reality, they all kind of coincide with each other.  I know that many of you probably could give a pickle's tickle as to what my goals for 2012 are and that is completely your right.  But by putting it down in words and printing it out so I see it every morning, I am making an attempt at being a happier human.

Every keep a smile on your face, even though you think, man I'd love to just leave and crawl into bed and call it a day.  Well, I realized that I did that a little more often than I thought.  The only person who can make my life better is me.  Does that mean that all my relationships and my goals are going to magically improve. NOPE, DON'T BELIEVE THAT IT WILL.  But do think that if I surround myself with those that truly care what happens to me, then it can only be a positive outcome.

As for those in my little world that make it a little more difficult to smile.  Well, how does that go, when you pray for patience, does God give you patience or does he give you the situation in which to be patient.  I think maybe it's that latter and perhaps I haven't understood that was what He has doing.  I pray everyday for the patience to get through the day.  For the safety of my family and friends.  For the the opportunity to make today a better day than yesterday.  Sometimes I succeed in the tasks that are put before me and sometimes I fall short of what would be considered a success but I think that as long as you put an effort in, it is so much better than being complacent.

So there it is in black and white.  My goals for 2012.  Perhaps this time next year I will be a little fitter, I little more happy, and perhaps able to fit in those darn skinny jeans I can't seem to give away.

So wish me luck and I wish all of you the best of luck on your goals for this year.  Each day is a gift and it's up to us whether we open it up and use it to it's fullest or leave it wrapped and unused.

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