Tuesday, September 12, 2017

1 week left until my 1 Year!

Exactly one week left until my 1 year "anniversary"   Doesn't seem like a year, but then again there were times when it seems like forever.  I have a doctor appointment to check vitamin levels and such and I am refusing to step on the scale until the 19th.  Though the temptation to check is great, I'm going to wait and see what it is on the 19th and it is what it is.

I have worked really hard this year.  I work out almost every day.  I haven't had pasta in so long that it doesn't even sound good to eat, which means it's been a long time since I had a taste.  I don't crave for carbs, though once a month I would kill for a little bit of chocolate or a hot buttered clover roll, but once that feeling passes I really haven't missed having anything.  I eat more for fuel than for entertainment or boredom or stress.  When I feel overwhelmed, I take a bike ride, go for a walk, or go work out, instead of putting something in my mouth to add to my backside.

Do I love to workout?  Some days HECK YES!  Some days, HECK NO.  On those days, I literally will be cussing like a sailor on leave in my head and sometimes out loud to myself how I really don't want to go "X!#*ing work out today",  "this sucks", "I'm only doing 30 minutes just to get it over with!"  "The sooner I get there, the sooner I'm done" "I don't wanna go, but I already put on my clothes and shoes and it will only take 30 minutes, so just another thing on my to do list I HAVE to do" my son Spencer, asks me if we are working out and when I start to say no, he gives me that face, and I'm like "FINE! let's go"

So you see it's not all roses and puppies each day,  But then I get to working out.  and on the bad days, I think, good only 25 minutes left, working out more and looking at clock, "yeah only 20 minutes left", then it's Yeah I'm half done, hurry up clock.  But a funny thing happens around workout time on minute 20, I start to look at the miles and think, maybe I can get to 3 miles today, so when I get to the 30 minute mark and I'm not quite at 3 miles I basically have talked myself into going another 5 minutes and maybe even a bit faster on the treadmill in order to get to 3, then I think hey I could easily get to 3.5 and see if I can't do a full 4 minutes at 5.5 and see how far I get.  And before I know it, I feel better.  The minute that I stop, I feel a complete reversal of my mood on those days when I DIDN'T want to work out.  For 30 or 40 minutes I was able to clear my brain of all the negative that was overpowering it and was able to reboot it to see a bit more on the positive.

What I eat and what I do it up to me.  I choose not to eat pasta, bread, or potatoes and sweets, I could have it if I wanted it, but I've chosen to not do so.  I eat protein and vegetables, I drink 90 ounces of water (with Crystal Light Fruit Punch) each day.  I take my multivitamin, my Vitamin D, B, A and calcium and I take biotin to help with my hair and nails.  If I have to go to the store depending on how much I need, I ride my bike.  I ride my bike to work every day.  My son drives my car more than I do, I just get to put gas in it, lucky me!

So 7 days till it's been one year since I started this adventure.  It's not the end but only the beginning to all the things I can do now.  A year ago it took me almost an hour and 10 minutes to do a 5k, that last 5k I did, it took 35 minutes.  Most of the clothes in my closet need to be donated because they don't fit.  They are too big and not just one or two sizes.

This isn't easy and each day presents its own challenges, but once you put your mind to something and decide that there is no other option, then you do what you have to do.  I really do think that my adventure has been mind over body, because once I got my mind on board my body started to respond.

So I know you might want to give up some days, and believe me, I'm with you, but that one little moment in time when you are just about to devour that entire cheesecake and then know you are going to regret it, take one bite, put that cheesecake away, but on your favorite tunes and put one foot in front of the other and go for a walk.  Heck, call me and I'll walk with you, long as you don't mind a bit of naughty humor to move us along.

So 7 days and we will see how this last year really changed me.  I plan on reading some of my early posts to see where I was at the time and where I am now, should be interesting.

So until next week my friends, keep your heads held high and feel the sun shine upon you.  I am worthy and so are you.  So until next week my friends.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

To Godmom Jo-We love and miss you

A close friend of the family, actually she was family, not by blood but by heart passed away unexpectedly on Sunday morning.  She was the godmother to my youngest and a surrogate grandma to us all.

We will miss you dearly and are better people for knowing you.

So forgive me this week as my heart is a bit sad and I remember this woman that we loved dearly.

Love you too much, Godmom Jo!

08/05/17 Godmom Jo, Spencer, and Godpop Tom
Spencer's 16th Birthday

Spring Ahead- SUCKS

I know the majority of you out there in blog land enjoy the changing of the seasons from winter to spring and you give me grief for my l...