Wednesday, March 11, 2015

DAY 3 - Introspective from Lots of Restroom Visits

DAY 3:

Did you hear a band of angels sing last night?  I think I did, after purchasing some earplugs (my boys' bedtime is later than mine and with Xbox's going off and TV's playing, this light sleeper needed a little assistance in noise control) and giving my all at Zumba last night, I took a shower, watched my beloved tv show, Marvel's Agents of Shield (don't judge, I'm also a Big Bang Theory kind of girl on the inside) and snuggled up in my bed and was fast asleep by 9:15 p.m. and stayed that way until 6:00 a.m. this morning.  You would have thought I won the lottery for the joy in my heart for a full nights sleep.

Took my fiber drink and Oasis and all my other Advocare wonder and was up and off to work.  Have to admit, I am finding a bit of resistance to drink water this morning.  In fact as I am typing this a coworker just popped the top on a soda and it sounded like it was beckoning me, but just took a large gulp of water and am sticking to my goal.  I also am finding it a conscience reminder that I have to eat.  Drinking so much water, I'm not hungry, so I have to make sure that I have at least 3 meals and my sister-in-law Shawna was kind enough to message me a recipe for some fat bombs to help in my "good fats" department.  I will try them out and if I like them will post in the future.  She gave me some wonderful insight to needing "good fats" in order to function and gave me that spark to do more research (will let you know what I find out)  So a shout out THANK YOU to Shawna for the help and insight to continue on my adventure.

I find my energy is a bit lagging though, even after a good nights sleep.  I think maybe I might have a bit of a virus (my wonderful son must have shared, but can't help but hug on him and unfortunately we are a close family and apparently have to share everything, even germs).  My poor hubby has been suffering for a few days, but he has it much worse than I, I just have a tickle.  But I really think the water is helping to flush out the bad, just have to maintain a better rest schedule.

I saw this quote on Pinterest and loved it.  It's kind of my mantra for today. I am worth more than I realize.
I find I'm good a motivating and encouraging other people, but seem to have a glitch of seeing the same potential in myself.  Maybe I should start pep talking myself in the mirror everyday, would have to make sure no one was home, because it might look a bit odd and I'd hate for my family to call the guys with white jackets to get me a private room with padding.  Though I wouldn't probably mind the mini vacation.

 In a social situation, I can be extremely happy and silly and fun, but deep down I have my insecurities like everyone else.  I have been known to "shut down" and just stay inside myself, which I know is not ideal.  There are certain people that I think I crave that validation of like or love. Perhaps its in my head, but the pain I feel when I "think" they don't like me, is extremely real to me. But that is a bridge I am working on crossing. But what is funny, no matter how I feel or kind of day I"m having, if I see someone who is down, or is trying something new, I'm the first person to let them know that they matter and are important and I mean it with all my being.  Just have to work on telling myself the same thing and know that I am someone!

This is part of my adventure, looking at why, I do what I do.  I eat when I'm sad, and when I revert into myself, I hide from the world.  Well hiding doesn't burn calories or produce endorphins that enable the happy gene in your system to multiply.

I started a new workout class in Goldfield  every Wednesday back in February, by an amazing lady named Lisa.  She encourages us not to judge each other.  She tells us we are important and if we don't support each other, then who will.  She makes us laugh but also give us the time to decompress.  I so enjoy her FB page for her class.  The ladies are extremely supportive and even a small Hi from any one of them brings joy to my heart.  Though I am slowing getting to know them (its a large class of 50 give or take), I need to be a bit more proactive in getting names and faces together (not my strong point). but also hard to strike a conversation when she is "whipping our butts" into shape.  Hard to talk when you are out of breath.  I have that class tonight and look forward to going with my beautiful daughter, Savannah, and my friend and workout buddy, Amanda.  (If I haven't mentioned Amanda, she is my reason some days I go to Zumba and Piloxing, she will send me a text asking if I'm going, I hate to say no when I know she will be there, so she is my "motivator" but also my confidant when it comes to my struggles with getting fit.  She will probably be mentioned more and more through my journey as we have some 5k's in our future as well as some majoring walking in the wonderful weather)

I am trying to surround myself with people like Lisa, Amanda, Savannah, and Shawna. They have no hidden agenda, they just want to help me.  They push me to be better and strive to be the person I want to become.
This has been kind of an introspective day, but hey I've had plenty of bathroom time in the last three days to some "deep thinking".  Hey you drink a gallon and half of water and see how much "private time" you end up with.

So Piloxing Fusion tonight in about an hour I will be on my way.  I have my supper in mind for after, can't eat before working out.  
So to everyone thank you for listening and keeping me accountable and I promise tomorrow will be less introspect and more my goofy self.  Get outside and enjoy the sunshine while you can.

Food Log Wednesday, March 11, 2014
1 - Oatfit Oatmeal with Flax

Chicken Breast
Broccoli, Cauliflower, & Carrots

Chef salad with no dressing just pepper


1 comment:

  1. Ok, so this is the 2nd time I'm trying to comment on here. Hope it works. lol Sandy, Loran keeps asking me if I've been reading your post, Doesn't he know I'm a busy girl?? lol jk I too have been reading and like Loran we are so proud of you! You are AMAZIING AND BEAUTIFUL NEVER DOUBT THAT!!! So happy you are trying to get healthy! Now as far as that Diet Pepsi be strong lady it doesn't love you like we do, so back off! lol jk it's ok to treat yourself every so often.. Hang in there and stay strong. Love and Miss you, your long lost friend Kathy


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