Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 11-Injury Prone and Exercise-THIS SUCKS!

Day 11

To start with a positive.  Went to Fusion last night and there was a little contest and other members of the class had to nominate someone they think did the following:

Who is the first person you think of personally in our class who represents everything I want our class to stand for… non-judgmental, always has her freak flag flying, always gives HER 100%, supports others, inspires, makes others laugh and smile, cares and shows compassion for others, & kicks ass!!!?

Ok, now I didn't win, so don't get all excited, but I did get voted for and got to be recognized at class last night.  Which was INSANELY COOL! I'm pretty sure I know who voted for me, at least once, and she is my rock on this adventure and is always smiling at me when I'm doing "my thing".  So to my Amanda, a big thank you for being on my adventure with me,  you have to admit, there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT with me around.  Also I met a new person named Wendy.  She was part of the Backrow Divas and after subjecting her to my "awesome" exercise style, I thought she should at least know my name so when she told the story of the "outrageous" lady from class she at least got my name right.

Ok, know back to my title today.  I think my body is starting to reject all this exercise and no I did not push to hard last night but when we were jumping over our tapata buddies and doing squats I jumped over about half way through the session and I felt a little twitch, I kind of hurt my left knee (now this is new, because this has been my ole faithful knee, the one that ACTUALLY works 99% of the time, but I woke up this morning and it a little swollen and it is a bit hard to walk.  So wrapping it and putting ice on it and trying not to walk too much, hoping a little TLC today and it will be good enough to go to Zumba tonight, but I'm not betting the farm on that at that moment.  

I seem to get two steps forward and my body ends up putting me 5 steps back.  I know it's a slow process and I haven't been overdoing it, this weekend was my achilles tendon and when I finally got that almost cured, now my knee.  Excuse this rant, but THIS SUCKS!  I am discouraged with having to miss the things I enjoy.  Why couldn't I have gotten a huge zit on my nose, at least I could still go to Zumba tonight, all be it that no one would probably want to workout besides me in case the Mt Fuji zit would pop, but still I could work out.  Eating well is great but I like to go to workouts, Zumba and Piloxing Fusion are my decompress hours.  It's where I can just be me, no judgement, no worries, no kids asking for anything, no one asking me to do something for them, no worrying about my Series 7, no studying, no cleaning, just me and my extraordinary personality allowed to be free and get my sweat on.  I know deep down this is just a small pity party for something that will probably be better in a few days, but  just when I think I am getting momentum, my body goes, "Hey you, the one that keeps shoving green vegetables and fruits in us and drinking all the water that makes us pee like we need to see every bathroom from here to Canada.  You, that is making us sweat and have sore muscles.  Just who do you think you are?  All ready fellas lets throw a wrench in her plan and see if we can't take her out of commission for a day or two so will come to her senses!"  

My body is kind of a smartass and seems to have a mind of it's own and we are dueling right now.  This is my own fault, I got fat because I got complacent, I put everyone else's needs in front of my own and then decided I wasn't worth the effort.  Well that is changing, I am worth the effort, I just have to get my body to cooperate with me, even if I have to take it by force.  It's not like I want to run the Boston Marathon next week, but I would like to be able to go my classes and maybe doing some training for my 5k's that I want to do.  Is that too much to ask?????  Well my body is rebelling and I'm not going to take it sitting down (well actually I am going to take it sitting down until my knee is better, but you get my meaning).
 So here's my quote of the day:

Now this quote speaks to me today.  I'm discouraged but not giving up.  Sad that I may miss Zumba, but happy that I have a Zumba class to go to and Zumba Divas who actually miss me when I don't show.  So progress is slow,  moral is a bit low today, but determination is at an all time high.  Struggles make an adventure more memorable or so they say.  I'm sure I can still do pushups and crunches at least, but think squats are out of the question for today.

So tomorrow is another day and hopefully one where I can do more.

So stay tuned all you out there in internet land and find out the cliffhangers:

Will she walk again?
Did she really like Shawn Cassidy when she was younger?
Will she ever be crowned Mrs. America 1999?

Stay tuned for the suspenseful results in tomorrows blog. 
Same bat time, same bat channel.

Food Log Thursday, March 19, 2015



Granny Smith Apple

Roasted broccoli


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