Tuesday, March 31, 2015

DAY 22-Oh Happy Day


Could my smile be bigger, could my heart be lighter!  I don't think so.  I passed and the world is bright.

Slept the entire night last night, no interruptions.  Just hard and deep (sorry that sounds a little dirty) but that is what it was.  I even got up and made pancakes for my boys before school.  They were so happy to have their mom back from study world.

This is the beginning of week 4 almost a month.  They say to make something a habit you have to do it for 40 days, so I'm halfway there.

Back to my water and hopefully a grocery store stop today or tomorrow.  The fruit and vegetable choices in my house are very slim.  Easter is around the corner and it seems that there is not enough time in the day for all I want to accomplish.

But the one thing that I wanted to accomplish, PASSING MY SERIES 7 SECURITIES EXAM, has a HUGE checkmark next to it as being COMPLETE!

Signed up for the Live Healthy Iowa 5k in Clarion on April 11th and I do believe I have a prom to work that evening, so will be starting to train big time today.

My quote of the day:


In case you didn't know I'm a huge Dr. Suess fan.  I've even dressed up at The Cat in the Hat and The Grinch for Halloween.  I'm on the upward slide of great things.  I do have brains in my head and guess what?  they actually are fully functional and are good for more things than just keeping my skull from caving in.  

I am the Master of my fate and the Captain of my Soul.  And with this huge weight lifted off me, I feel lighter, happier, and more optimistic.

So thank you for your encourage words, texts, and phone calls.  Thank you for being you and for supporting me in my adventure.  Though there have been points of extreme lows and extreme highs, it's the every day points that make up the main part of a story.  My story is being written as we speak, what will happen is completely and totally up to me.

So giving it my all today and concentrating on my health and well being.  Been working on a goal/dream board as suggested by my friend, Jodie and will post once I have finished it.

Thank you and enjoy today, I am too happy to not spread the joy around to all.

You are KIND
You are SMART
You are IMPORTANT to me!

Make this a Tuesday to remember and dance a little (I've been dancing alot today), smile at the person next to you (I can't stop smiling, in fact my cheeks are starting to hurt a big, but I'm willing to endure the pain for the smile), wave at the person in the car next to you at the stoplight (completely baffles them), and give yourself a huge high five for helping me on my adventure.  YOU ROCK in my book.

Banana Bars (coworker baked them for me for passing, couldn't be rude, could I?)


Chicken breast
cauliflower/broccoli mix


Monday, March 30, 2015


I passed my series 7 security test. Yeah me.  So my post is short and sweet today.  Too busy being overly ecstatic and decompressing from my stressful week.  More tomorrow but for today my favorite quote comes from FINRA (governing body of security licensing)
The best word I could hear today.
Thanks for your support and back to adventure tomorrow but tonight we celebrate!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Day 21
Last day of studying for my test and then tomorrow morning we will see how it goes.  Practice tests have been ranging from 80 to 94% so I think I will pass.

Thank you to all of those "superheroes", Shout outs to Shawna, Kathy, and Jodie H. that are posting on FB and telling me not to be so hard on myself.  Today is a new day and even though I am still doing the caffeine thing (diet pepsi), I am making a conscience effort to watch what I put in my mouth.  I didn't have supper last night, too tired and I needed sleep more than I needed food.  This morning had a egg and sausage scramble before I headed to the office to study.

So much more quiet to study at the office.  With 3 tvs, 2 xboxs and the fact that if I am anywhere in the facility and get involved in something that springs an alert to my children and husband to have the desperate need to ask me something.  Happens when I have to use the bathroom at home also.  And whenever I'm on the phone.  They could be happily content doing whatever it is they are doing and as long as I'm not doing anything I don't hear a peep out of them.  But the minute I pick up a phone, just sit on the toilet, or start a practice test for studying, it's like a light starts flashing and they just have to ask me something and it needs an answer like NOW. Which normally I'm ok with that, but when you are trying to memorize concepts and decipher questions, it's hard to concentrate with all the interruptions, plus I need quiet and that is one thing that my house is never been is quiet. Which I actually kind of like because it means that there is something always going on.  But only one more day of this and then take the test and it's over.

Very windy outside, must be if I can hear it in my office which is kind of in the middle of the building.  No windows to distract me on what the outside world is doing.  In fact, unless I look at my clock on my computer, I have no concept of time.  In fact, Jeff sent me a text at 7:00 saying that supper was almost done, I saw the text at 7:00 wanted to finish up my test and by the time I walked out the door it was 9:30 and it only seems like a couple of minutes.  Guess times flies when you have your little brain working at full capacity.

So with the words of encouragement from Shawna, Kathy and Jodie and of course, you amazing people who for some reason are reading this blog (which I find completely AMAZING and am grateful more than you can know), I found my quote of the day and it seems to fit perfectly.


So back to studying I go.  Just making sure that the information I learned and the techniques I learned all stay fresh for me in the morning.  I have to be in Des Moines by 7:30 a.m. so a bright and early morning for me tomorrow but 7 hours later when that little wheel is spinning on the computer calculating my score, I hope it shows 72% or above and then I will be ABOVE THE CLOUDS.  So stay tuned to see what Monday will bring.

Every day is a gift and it's up to us on how we use it.  Some days you need that stay in your pajamas and catch up on your favorite tv show or just snuggle and watch movies for the day.  But then you have those days you are so busy doing chores and errands you just wish there was one more day in the weekend to accomplish all you have set up for yourself.  How you use your day is up to you?  Will you use your powers for good or evil my superheroes?  If you use them for good then you are truly superheroes in every since of the word, but if a little evil appears than means your villain side is starting to grow.  Remember that a little villain in you can be good, gives you perspective, but if you feel like you are falling and everything is getting dark, reach out your hand and I promise to catch you and bring you to the light. Which is what all of you do every time you read my blog, comment on my FB, or text me.  Change is hard, but feeling alone and hopeless makes all things seem impossible. Luckily that word "impossible" is being crossed out of my vocabulary.  So thank you for reading and remember:
You are kind, You are Smart, and You are Important (especially to me)

Food Log Sunday, March 29, 2014
egg and sausage scramble

Fruit cup



Saturday, March 28, 2015


Day 20

I have been in major study mode all this week and this weekend.  I am immersing myself in my studies in order to pass my test on Monday.  I fell of the wagon today, I had a biscuit and gravy for breakfast and while sitting here for hours and hours of studying I broke down and had 3 miniature Reece's peanut butter cups that a coworker always has out for anyone to have.  Plus I have had 2 diet pepsi today.

I am in complete deterioration of my goals today and tomorrow.  I realize that I could grab something more healthy (which by the way since I have been gone to classes and studying have not had the chance to get to the store to replenish my supplies of fruits and vegetables).

Do I know this is completely wrong??? YES  
Did I still revert back to my stress induced ways when the last straw was added?  YES  
Am I a failure in my adventure?????? NO

A few days off the wagon does not a complete failure make.  In fact I'm taking 10 minutes to write this up because I don't want to completely abandon my adventure but I'm am STRESSED with a capital "S".  I know I will do well but I have to keep all these concepts in my brain and the questions that FINRA uses are very tricky.  They give you story problems and add tons of stuff not needed to mess you up and you have to take the time to read the ENTIRE question and then find out WHAT they are looking for so you can eliminate the junk and get down to the correct answer.

My family is feeling my absence and my husband is doing his best to support me but I can tell my lack of attendance at home is being felt.  I even took 35 minutes last night before I went to bed just to clean up my house to look a bit better.  The boys tried their best, but mom kind of has a higher standard of "clean".

Two more days and this will be over.  Have to be in Des Moines by 7:30 am on Monday and it's a 7 hour test.  Deep down I feel guilty for ignoring everyone, but this is the only way I know for my brain to keep the information and be able to verbal vomit answers for the test.

So my quote of the day fits perfectly into my mental state:


So I'm giving myself a little slack this weekend and I know my countdown is still ticking and I will have to be extra good after my test (which I can completely do once the pressure is off from this bloody thing).  So right now I can't stress over Easter, Prom, or graduation.  I can't stress over my adventure and where I am in that aspect.  I can't stress over the state of my house and how no one else can see the trash overflowing or the dishes in the sink.  I can't stress over the fact I haven't seem my dear friend, Amanda for almost 10 days. (which for us is a LONG time) though she is sweet and texts and posts to me to keep my motivated but I unfortunately have not been able to reciprocate the love.  I really really really feel horrible at shutting out the world for this one thing, but 2 more days and I can rejoin my world and hopefully with a new license and believe me there will be a GRAND celebration "when" I pass this securities licensing.  No one in my office has passed in about 8 years if that gives you any indication on how much my work is depending on my to hit a grand slam in this.

So STRESS is my friend.  But more my motivation to give it my 110%.  The brain is a muscle and unfortunately I apparently have not been giving it it's full exercise potential for a while and I am playing major catch up.

So for those of you reading and keeping up with me, you are my superheroes and deserve much better than you are getting at this moment but I promise you that the "weird and funny" me will be back, she unfortunately has no room in her brain at this moment to hold anything but securities and the vital remembrance to breathe and blink on a regular basis.

So stay tuned and remember:
You are kind, you are Smart, and you are soo very Important to me!

Food Log, Saturday, March 28, 2015
Biscuit and Gravy (as I write this I want to kick myself, but in a way it was something I needed)

3 Miniature Reeces Peanut Butter Cups

Some meat grilled I'm sure, but my appetite isn't fully with me.

Water:  only about 8 cups today, but have had 2 bottles of soda.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Dy 19-Friday, Fried Brain, Future Fortune

So sorry for missing my blog on  Day 18.  It has been a very long week of mental exercise and by the time I got home on Thursday, my threshold of energy was gone.

Today is Day 19 and a Friday to boot.  Lots of studying planned for the next three days and then test taking on Monday.  So forgive me if I don't post as often, this is an important test and I need to focus all my energy to it.

Love that it's finally Friday, but my brain is a little fried from all the information I'm cramming in it but luckily "WHEN" I pass, hopefully it will bring future fortune to my world.  Otherwise, I did all this just for halibut!

I had to have a soda this morning.  Now it has been quite a few days since having one but in my weakened state it was needed.  I did have my apple for breakfast.

Been eating a lot of fruit and while I was at class, I would get some grapes or a banana from QuikTrip for break and it would get me through til my next meal.  I didn't once crave chocolate or candy.  Which seems very odd but it wasn't something that my body was craving.

So short and sweet today:


I love me some minions and especially for the weekend.  Haven't exercised much, between studying and class and driving back and forth to Des Moines and doing homework, there was just enough time to get some rest.  So will try to possibly get a walk in this weekend, but Monday night plan on starting my Couch to 5k and working out every day after that.  Unfortunately this test fell during my adventure and even though I didn't work out like I would have wanted, I did try very hard to make good food choices.  Sometimes it was the lesser of two evils but definitely better choices than what I would have made before my adventure started.

So always remember:  You are kind, You are Smart, you are IMPORTANT!
I keep saying this to myself multiple times a day, it makes me feel good and gives me hope, and the world is always better with HOPE! HOPE, LOVE, and CUPCAKES (which of course I can't have yet, but just knowing they are out there makes me happy)

So have a great weekend and realize I greatly appreciate you reading my blog and I apologize for the next few days of lack of in depth information, but promise I will be back in full force on Monday, this is just something I need to do and it's been a few years (times 10 or 20) since I was in college and studied to take tests, so requires my full and undivided attention to retain this very complicated information.

So stick with me my superheroes and have a PEACHY DAY!

Food Log Friday, March 27, 2015

Diet Pepsi




Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 17- Iowa Weather & Minions

Well forgot how white my knuckles can get from gripping my steering wheel this morning.  Definitely an adventure and a half driving to Des Moines this am.  Plus I do believe people go slightly brain cell deficienct when the weather is anything but dry and sunny.  Many cars in median but luckily one of them wasn't me.  Almost couldn't eat my banana for fear of taking one hand off the wheel.  What I won't do to learn options and pass this bloody test.  I think risking my life should at least show you my commitment to pass and as soon as I do I believe I should be committed for taking on this licensing thing.  Plus not only do I have to test this month, I have to get my drivers license renewed next month.  Always a photo op moment,  especially since you can't smile or smile with your eyes.  I still try to add a twinkle.  If not I look possessed and that can't be good.  They should take it of me while I'm crying because that is exactly the face the officer will get if I ever get pulled over.  It at least will be more accurate and he will be able to see the resemblance. 

Anyway, QuikTrip has these neat little trays with cut up veggies and fruit with meat and cheese so that is my lunch today.  Feeling a bit sluggish not having my veggies and fruits like I have been doing.  Plus getting up at 5:30 for a long drive every morning this week then sitting and overloading my poor Lil brain with information I only need to retain until Monday at 3:00 pm, then driving home at the precise time every person in Des Moines decides it's quitting time to drive home hoping that someone takes the consideration and actually uses their blinkers before they cut in front of me and I grip my poor defenseless steering wheel for dear life.  I'm a little out of practice driving in "the big city".  I hate to tell them but you won't wear your blinker fluid out if you use your blinker..... (For those of you not automotively inclined, there is no such thing as blinker fluid.  Just making sure you were paying attention)
Here's my quote of the day.  Been in the car alot this week with my brain working on overdrive and this just struck me true to form.  Shout out to Aunt Carol for posting on fb.  Plus I love me some minions!

 So a happy Wednesday and another day of learning and sitting.  My first Zumba class next week may require oxygen since I haven't "worked out" this week.  I'm working that muscle between my ears so it will be lean and mean.  Then it can tell my butt to follow suit.....Have a great day!
Food Log Wednesday March 25


DAY TO GO:  52

Day 16

Day 16
Another day in class learning what forgot from last time.  Not much to report today. It's cold & rainy here is Des Moines and my community home should be an adventure.

I have determined that just because it's a salad at the fast food places doesn't necessarily make it good for you.  Some of these places has the same calorie content as a burger and fries and and that's before you put dressing on.

It's hard to find something close and good for you but too tired when I get home to make something ahead of time and not coherent enough in the morning before I leave.

So my quote of the day!


So keep positive my superheros, the sun will come back and when it does I'll be ready to soak in some vitamin D.

So enjoy your day and remember you are kind, you are smart and you are important, channeling my Abilene from "The Help".  If you have seen it is a must watch movie and a must read book!
See you all tomorrow for another saga of "As the Fat Burns"


Popeyes green beans (spicy just the way I like)
2 chicken strip


??? probably nothing or just fruit since I don't get home til late and not hungry just tired

Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 15 - Must be doing something right!

Well must be doing something right. Weighed myself this am and I'm down 12 pounds. Not bad considering I was injured half the time. Imagine how I would do once my old body gets going.

A little hard today and for the week. Am at classes every day and not the healthiest of choices for eating plus hard to drink all my water when I need to be sitting for hours at a time and don't want to miss anything.

5:30 was early and my spark didn't cut it so did have a fountain soda this morning.  But switched back to water.  My wonderful lunch is consisting of a chicken wrap with me just eating the inside and not the wrap.

Getting to see an old friend for dinner tonight, so will order a salad or whatever they have that is equal to it.


Trust me, as the day gets longer I get weirder!

Which is what my fellow series 7 students probably think. But hey sitting in a "quiet" room waiting on the instructor is not one of my strong points! And anyone who knows me can verify this fact.  I will talk to you and believe it or not will kind of expect some sort of response

Have to blog from my phone since I'm out of town so forgive me if it looks different.

It's week 3 and I'm getting the hang of eating better.  They say it takes 40 days to make something habit and I'm on my way.

So back to sitting and my book learnin so I can get to be a smartie pant security wiz.

So have a great Monday everyone!

Food Log Monday March 23, 2015

The inside of a wrap with chicken & veggies

Some type of salad


Saturday, March 21, 2015


Day 13

Another weekend to battle through.  But has been a little easier since I have to study most of the weekend, so too busy to to think about eating.

But at the wonderful bright cheery time of 5 a.m. this morning I was WIDE AWAKE!!!!  Talk about a waste of perfectly good sleep time, so did my challenges and my knee is almost 100%, unfortunately my mind wondered while I was sitting there in the glow of the television.

I'm a people person.  I want, heck sometimes need, people to like me.  Do they all like me?  NO.  Do they think I'm insane or just stand offish at times?  Probably.  But in general I do try very hard not to make anyone feel like they are "less than".  Unfortunately, I do feel that sometimes.  I know deep down I'm not "less than" and that I have people who I love and who support me even when I'm dancing in the middle of a WalMart aisle with bananas on my head singing, the "Do you like Pina Coladas song" a little too loudly.  But a friend of mine (whom I really don't get to see as much as I would like) texted me last night and she was having a tough week and my name popped in her head and so she texted.  She felt as though no one cared and she felt left out of things, and from what she told me, she was having a pretty yucky week.  I told her she was always welcome at our home, no invitation or special phone call needed, just show up and hang out.  Then I did a remarkable thing that I know most of you don't even know your phones can do, I CALLED HER!  We talked for about 45 minutes and made plans for getting together in the future, but it got me thinking.  I know it can only take one person to turn a good day into a not so great one and visa versa, and sometimes silence is more hurtful then when they actually say something.  Then I found this quote and I think it's fitting:


And if you think about it, it's true.  As long as you know you are important, then what someone else says shouldn't amount to a hill of beans, right?  Unfortunately we let our guards down and hope for the best in people and sometimes they fall short in the expectations you had in your mind.  At the end of the phone call my friend and I were laughing and reminiscing about the stupid stuff we did together, by the way, she was a first hand witness to the banana singing in WalMart and I reminded her that she joined in on the chorus of "Do you like Pina Coladas" which she remembered a little bit of, and we made a point to stay in better contact, even if its just a text to say hi, I love you, how you doing?

So I found this other quote and it fit her situation and actually clicked a lightbulb on in my brain.  This is something I really believe.  Does it hurt to be left out or ignored, well yeah, I'm human, but "Is that person happy?", if the answer is yes, then I'm not part of the equation.  Which means will it matter in a year to me?  Probably not, heck I have a hard enough time remembering what I ate for breakfast, so I'm pretty sure my brain cells can be put to better use, like remembering all the lyrics to songs from the late 80's and early 90's and remembering obscure tv shows like Dinosaurs and Hart to Hart.

So today, give someone a text, tell them hi, smile at a stranger walking by instead of looking at the ground.  Maybe leave a sticky note on a window telling them they are amazing!

Each day is a gift and it's completely up to us how we use it.  So my superheros, use your powers for good and not evil today.  April 1st (April Fools Day) is coming up and you can use your evil powers then.

So remember, everyone is important and everyone deserves to be treated with kindness!
So go out and spread some love, my superheros!

I know not much on my food adventure, but my mental health is part of that adventure, so enjoy the ride and hang on tight!

Food Log Saturday, March 21, 2015:

Salad with Ham

Cauliflower bites (by special request of my hubby)


Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 12-International Happiness Day & Pictures

It's the first day of Spring as well as International Happiness Day!  Isn't is great that both of these things fall on Friday, talk about winning the Trifecta.

My pity party from yesterday is over, I was sad that I hurt my knee and once again had to miss Zumba, The amazing people I am surrounding myself with sent me words of encouragement, but I was really bummed and it did help.  I've decided I have to wrap my knees and ankles before my Zumba and Fusion workouts, just until they get stronger.  It will be like being in volleyball in high school.

The knee is about 60% better, still a bit of a limp but hopefully back on track by Monday.

Feeling good, but every day I have my struggles.  With studying late, I haven't been getting as much sleep and in the morning, I'm still dragging and just want to grab a soda and a breakfast toranado. That was my feeling this morning, but I went straight to work, filled my water jug and had my oatmeal and an apple and proceeding on my morning.  Once the oatmeal filled me up, I was fine, but did have an internal struggle not to just get back in the car and go get biscuits and gravy while it was cooking.

With graduation approaching fast, I realize that I need to get pictures together of my son.  Before the flood of 2010 I was an advid scrapbooker. (In case you didn't know we lost a whole wall in our basement and our entire basement flooded with mud and water over 7 feet and we lost alot)  In fact I was scrapbooking my photos since the 80's before scrapbooking was even a thing. I loved to just spend hours putting the final touches on pictures of my family.  When the flood happened, all my scrapbooks were ruined and luckily I was able to save 60% of the pictures.  I just haven't had the heart to go through all the ones we saved and re-scrap them.  This was before digital pictures, so it's not like I can upload and digitally do a scrapbook on them.  I have tried to join scrapbooking retreats, but they are kind of like joining a sorority, you kind of have to part of the group before you can join the group.  So after my test on March 30, I have to go through and find pictures of my son and get something together.  This is something that on my adventure I need to do.  I need to organize and scrap my photos again.  I have to get over the hurt of losing pics that were precious to me and just be a retreat of one.  It's hard, but something I need to do.  I enjoyed it so much.  So to add to my goals:

Start Scrapbooking again in April 2015

Plus on the bright side, if I hurt myself in April then I will have something to do while I recooperate.

So back to Happy Friday thoughts, the quotes of the day aren't really quotes but rather celebrations for the 1st day of spring and International Happiness Day.


So listen to Happy by Pherrell on your ipod and do a jig that Spring is officially here.  Dance with headphones on to Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, but don't let anyone else know or hear the music.  Every day there are struggles, but as my SBG (Soda Body Guard) Kathy W sent this diddy to me,"To err to human, to admit it is SUPERHUMAN!!!!"  So a happiest of Fridays to all you Superheroes out there that are following me on my adventure. 

 IT'S FRIDAY SO LET'S DANCE!!! *Bunnies are optional!

Food Log  Friday, March 20, 2015
Granny Smith Apple

taco meat on salad

Iowa chop
Roasted broccoli


Day 14

Day 14

It's Sunday and I'll I've accomplished is studying and a nap.  So not much to blog today my superheros.

did have a slice of cherry pie but it wasn't too big but remembered someone mentioned an 80 20 rule.  Be good 80% of the time and 20% go a bit off path.

Knee still at about 90% but I'm sitting in classes all this week so it will get plenty of rest.
Did do my challenges though.
So I hope your weekend has been good. Not much to blog since my brain is on securities info overload.
Always be yourself
Unless you can be Batman, then be Batman.

Week 3 starts tomorrow and the first officially weigh in to see if this adventure is producing any results.

so stay tuned and see what happens tomorrow!

Food Log Sunday, March 22, 2015
Banana & hambuger
Cherry pie


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 11-Injury Prone and Exercise-THIS SUCKS!

Day 11

To start with a positive.  Went to Fusion last night and there was a little contest and other members of the class had to nominate someone they think did the following:

Who is the first person you think of personally in our class who represents everything I want our class to stand for… non-judgmental, always has her freak flag flying, always gives HER 100%, supports others, inspires, makes others laugh and smile, cares and shows compassion for others, & kicks ass!!!?

Ok, now I didn't win, so don't get all excited, but I did get voted for and got to be recognized at class last night.  Which was INSANELY COOL! I'm pretty sure I know who voted for me, at least once, and she is my rock on this adventure and is always smiling at me when I'm doing "my thing".  So to my Amanda, a big thank you for being on my adventure with me,  you have to admit, there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT with me around.  Also I met a new person named Wendy.  She was part of the Backrow Divas and after subjecting her to my "awesome" exercise style, I thought she should at least know my name so when she told the story of the "outrageous" lady from class she at least got my name right.

Ok, know back to my title today.  I think my body is starting to reject all this exercise and no I did not push to hard last night but when we were jumping over our tapata buddies and doing squats I jumped over about half way through the session and I felt a little twitch, I kind of hurt my left knee (now this is new, because this has been my ole faithful knee, the one that ACTUALLY works 99% of the time, but I woke up this morning and it a little swollen and it is a bit hard to walk.  So wrapping it and putting ice on it and trying not to walk too much, hoping a little TLC today and it will be good enough to go to Zumba tonight, but I'm not betting the farm on that at that moment.  

I seem to get two steps forward and my body ends up putting me 5 steps back.  I know it's a slow process and I haven't been overdoing it, this weekend was my achilles tendon and when I finally got that almost cured, now my knee.  Excuse this rant, but THIS SUCKS!  I am discouraged with having to miss the things I enjoy.  Why couldn't I have gotten a huge zit on my nose, at least I could still go to Zumba tonight, all be it that no one would probably want to workout besides me in case the Mt Fuji zit would pop, but still I could work out.  Eating well is great but I like to go to workouts, Zumba and Piloxing Fusion are my decompress hours.  It's where I can just be me, no judgement, no worries, no kids asking for anything, no one asking me to do something for them, no worrying about my Series 7, no studying, no cleaning, just me and my extraordinary personality allowed to be free and get my sweat on.  I know deep down this is just a small pity party for something that will probably be better in a few days, but  just when I think I am getting momentum, my body goes, "Hey you, the one that keeps shoving green vegetables and fruits in us and drinking all the water that makes us pee like we need to see every bathroom from here to Canada.  You, that is making us sweat and have sore muscles.  Just who do you think you are?  All ready fellas lets throw a wrench in her plan and see if we can't take her out of commission for a day or two so will come to her senses!"  

My body is kind of a smartass and seems to have a mind of it's own and we are dueling right now.  This is my own fault, I got fat because I got complacent, I put everyone else's needs in front of my own and then decided I wasn't worth the effort.  Well that is changing, I am worth the effort, I just have to get my body to cooperate with me, even if I have to take it by force.  It's not like I want to run the Boston Marathon next week, but I would like to be able to go my classes and maybe doing some training for my 5k's that I want to do.  Is that too much to ask?????  Well my body is rebelling and I'm not going to take it sitting down (well actually I am going to take it sitting down until my knee is better, but you get my meaning).
 So here's my quote of the day:

Now this quote speaks to me today.  I'm discouraged but not giving up.  Sad that I may miss Zumba, but happy that I have a Zumba class to go to and Zumba Divas who actually miss me when I don't show.  So progress is slow,  moral is a bit low today, but determination is at an all time high.  Struggles make an adventure more memorable or so they say.  I'm sure I can still do pushups and crunches at least, but think squats are out of the question for today.

So tomorrow is another day and hopefully one where I can do more.

So stay tuned all you out there in internet land and find out the cliffhangers:

Will she walk again?
Did she really like Shawn Cassidy when she was younger?
Will she ever be crowned Mrs. America 1999?

Stay tuned for the suspenseful results in tomorrows blog. 
Same bat time, same bat channel.

Food Log Thursday, March 19, 2015



Granny Smith Apple

Roasted broccoli


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 10-I CHEATED-Guess I'm Human

Day 10

I CHEATED.  I had 2 chocolate chip cookies and a Diet Pepsi last night.  The cookies weren't huge or the size of Buicks,and the soda was a 12 oz can but I couldn't help myself.  To the ladies out there, I'm sure you have one day each month where you HAVE to have something, even if it's something you probably wouldn't eat.  Well last night was my "day".  I came home from work and the cookies were on the counter.  Taunting me, I could have sworn they were mocking me for being so rude as to leave them all alone on the counter in the container all by themselves, their brothers and sisters all been taken by the boys and now these two poor lonely little chocolate chip cookies were orphans and they were just begging me to eat them.  So in about the time it takes you to hiccup, I had devoured those two very loud cookies to SHUT THEM UP and then after I was done, I drank about half a can on soda before I felt "guilty".  What had I done, 9 days in and I crumble, I could blame hormones or PMS, and to be honest I'm pretty sure that I actually blacked out while I was eating the cookies because at this moment I don't remember if I chewed them or ate them whole, I just know they were there and a second later they were gone.  So am trying to forgive myself for being a weak human and for not bringing sword and shield to fight off the PMS Dragon, but unfortunately she won this battle but will not win the war. (YES I did go back to yesterday's post and update my battle on my food log, fair is fair)

So Day 10, not perfect.  But perfect is not what I attain for.  Better, yes...Perfect, no.  I did eat very well all day and my heal was still hurting so I did opt out of Zumba but did do my challenges.

Challenge:  60 crunches, 50 Squats, 20 pushups, 2-30 planks, I also did 25 back arm rows just to add a little since I didn't go to Zumba.

So the heal is 80% and I'm going to try to go to Piloxing Fusion tonight, may just have to be on the light side of things when it comes to bouncing.

So I needed a little inspiration today for the stumble from yesterday and I found the perfect thing to motivate me as well as make me smile, so I hope it will "motivate" some of you too.


So still drinking at least a gallon of water a day, taking my Advocare, and the office is having a potluck "make a salad" day, so that is a great thing.  Doing my challenges at night and studying, so all in all a step forward, which is always a step in the right direction.  Another day documented in my blog and I"m in the 50's for days left (59 to be exact), so that means that time is ticking and once I'm back at 100% body wise then I will be stepping up my game.  Food is my main weakness and planning ahead what I'm having has been a huge help, also buying fruits and vegetables to have on hand does also.

Has it been easy???? NO (Don't let my witty banter fool you, some days are hard!)
Do I have moments each day where I want to throw in the towel and just do what my impulse wants to do???? YES (But then I remember I promised myself to blog everyday and be honest and who want to hear about me sitting on the couch, eating large amounts of chocolate while listening to my fat cells multiply like they are in Zumba class, NO ONE, exactly)
But the final questions I always try to ask myself is:


Fortunately, I have been able to answer these questions with YES for the past 10 days.  Of course, they have been times when I have answered NO, but the YES's luckily are outnumbering the NO's and that is a success in my book.

Have an amazing "Hump Day" everyone!  And remember our biggest critics are the ones that stare at us in the mirror!!!!

Food Log Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Quaker Oatmeal

Granny Smith Apple

Make your own Salad at Work



Smoked chicken 
Broccoli and Cauliflower


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 9-St Patricks Day


Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone.  I don't own anything "work" clothing related that is green so had to color a shamrock on the back of my hand in order to avoid any pinching fingers today.  Unless Christian Grey or Matthew McConaughey happen to walk by, then I'm licking the back of my hand clean!!!!!  But I think that might be a long shot, but hey it could happen.

So last night after studying, I watched the new series, "The Royals" and did my challenges during the commercials. (P.S.  I really loved the show)
So did:   80 crunches - 75 squats  -  20 push ups  -  3-30 second planks

The planks were the hardest and are my weakest exercise that I do.  But if I keep doing them eventually I should be able to do a plank that looks like the picture and last more than 30 seconds before I collapse.

So last night, the smoked chicken I purchase from HyVee in Webster City was divine.  Luckily there are a few left to do salad tonight, which I think is my supper choice.  May have to do soup, broccoli cheese, for the boys, my hubby hasn't been feeling the best and it is a bit chillier today so I think soup and grilled cheese for them and salad with that yummy smoked chicken for little ole me.

Fruit for breakfast this morning and a Nature Valley nut crisp (woke up a bit late).  Lunch is an office affair at a local business for a Chili lunch.  Don't think I will be able to eat most of it, but the money for the ticket went to a good cause.

Ankle still wrapped, but only in hopes that it will be ok for Zumba tonight.  Feeling pretty good today and have an odd sense of excitement.  I, the person who never goes out, who is always putting every one else's thing in front of her own, has two, yes I said TWO, meetings with friends next week.  One friend, I haven't seen in almost 26 years and the other, I haven't seen in a very long while.  Another step forward in my adventure, taking time to reconnect.  I may have to redecorate my hermit cave and make it into a gift wrapping room or a bowling alley.  So I am very excited about seeing these two ladies next week. Nervous about taking my class but excited that I get to see them.

So because of the holiday, I'm posting TWO Quotes of the Day, just for the halibut!


I love this one.  Wouldn't it be great to avoid the negative!

And this one, just made me smile, and you have to admit, it would be a "hoppy" coincidence if you found frogs in your underwear.  (Yes I know it was cheesy, but hey, cheesy is what I do best)

So hopefully Zumba tonight, only the heel will be able to determine it and some more challenge work.  
So a recap:  slept ok, was a little hard to get out of bed this morning, bed too cozy and the air was a little crisp when I poked out my toe, hard to just fling yourself into that until you have fully awaken. Took all my Advocare, drinking my gallon of water.  NO SODA for 9 days, no processed foods or junk food, though for the ladies out there, today is the day I could really go for some McDonald's french fries, if you are a lady, you totally get what I'm saying about this day every month. hint...hint.  Otherwise, in good spirits, looking forward to Zumba tonight and am hopeful.  What more could I ask for in a Tuesday.
So until we meet again, same bat time, same bat channel

Food Log  Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Nature Valley Nut Crisp


Maybe a bit of chili


Salad with Smoked Chicken
Pico De Gallo
Hard Boiled Egg



Monday, March 16, 2015

DAY 8-Start of Week 2-LIMITLESS


Can you believe it's day 8, my first week is done, I did pretty good with the exception of hurting my achilles heel which is slowly getting better.  Back on the water track today, I do so much better  when it's right in front of me.  I keep my gallon jug right next to at my desk and the minute my water bottle gets low, I refill it.

Do I notice any changes??  Wish I could give you some inspirational exclamation that I am seeing monumental changes, but to be honest, with the exception of a little difference I "think" I see in my face, I haven't noticed anything yet.  Does that mean I haven't been successful, HECK NO!

Drinking more water is better for me.  No junk food and processed sugar is better for my body.  Maybe my body is just still in shock from the lack of soda and starbursts that it is rebelling against me for the first week in hopes of crushing my spirit and getting me to go back to my old ways.  Well, I really hate to let my body down, but it's going to have to get used to the new way and join the party. Once this injury is healed, I'm back to my routine, I'm just hoping it's sooner that later.

Been eating more fruit (easy to do when you actually go to the store and purchase it) and have some more recipes to try.  The cauliflower bites from Saturday posts (recipe in Saturday March 14, 2015 post) were awesome.  Everyone loved them and they went like hot cakes.  Have some snackie things to try  I just need to find the time to make them.  Hopefully can do some tonight.

Crunch time now, I have until March 30 when I take my Series 7 test for the last time and keeping my mind and body on a better path, I am hoping will make me successful.  Not as stressed at this moment but am taking classes all next week to prep for test and then will cram some more next weekend and take on Monday and hopefully be able to report a successful passing of this test.

So to my quotes of the day, by a great Greek philosopher, Socrates...


So that is what I have to focus on.  Building new, which coincides with Spring very nicely I think.  Because in the Spring, things come to life, it is like the world is waking up from a winter slumber and can't wait to get going.

Change is hard.  Don't get me wrong.  I grabbed a soda out of habit out of my fridge the other day and then had to walk all the way back to get my water.  I have struggled and looked at the brownie pan and know that one bite won't kill me, but it's the 2nd, 3rd, 4th,.........10th bite that I know will be my downfall.  Temptation is everywhere and it's not easy to pass on yummy things that I normally would have had, but I have to be strong.  Putting myself first is hard but in the end it will be worth it.

So to those that are have a difficult day or just need that little push, if I can do this, then it's possible for anyone.  I'm not perfect by any means, just a person trying to make her life a little better each day, some days I'm a marathon runner and the finish line is a looooooooooooooooooooong ways away, but others days have been proving to be short sprints where I don't even break a sweat.  So stay with me and see what happens.  I may just lose 5 pounds and have the new super power of being able to put out a forest fire on one of my restroom breaks from all the water I drink or maybe I'll do something AMAZING, and even surprise the stuffing out of myself.  The point is that what I can do can be limitless, it all really depends on me.  If I sabotage myself, then I'm the only one that is hurt, but if I lift myself up, tell myself I'm worth it, and believe it deep in my soul than that is exactly what my adventure will be.....LIMITLESS.

So stay tuned for more on Week 2, injury be darned, I can at least do some upper body strength training, but as soon as I'm able to put weight on my heel than I'm back to my challenge and giving it my 110% in the exercise department.

So same bat time tomorrow, same bat channel!  Thanks for reading!!!!

Food Log Monday, March 16, 2015
Quaker Oatmeal (only ate about half)

Salad with boiled egg, smoked pork, pico de gallo


Smoked Chicken (sampled at HyVee in Webster City and it was AWESOME)
Roasted cauliflower and broccoli



Day 7
Down and out today.  Really did a job on my Achilles' tendon so ice and elevation of my foot has been my daily routine.  Could not do my challenge today but looked it up and hopefully it will be better by tomorrow.
Had a banana and 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast, another salad for lunch and my husbands unbelievable loaded burgers for supper.  So been a slow day but hoping my pain goes away real soon.

This is the end of my first week.  I didn't drink as much water on the weekend as I did during the week but still drank more than 10 cups each day.

So nothing much to report buy a lazy Sunday with my foot elevated.  So thought a funny quote today would be fitting.

                                               QUOTE OF THE DAY

Tomorrow is the start of week two, plan on a weigh in at the end of this week.  Hoping to see a difference with all this clean eating and portion control plus the ocean of water I'm consuming, plus all the exercise.  I really hope there is at least a little bit of change to make this adventure worth pursuing to the end.  At least to make a little progress will keep me going!  Keep your fingers crossed!

 Food Log Sunday March 15, 2015
2 hard boiled eggs

Pico de gallo hard boiled egg
Smoked pork

Loaded burger



Day 6 - Weekends Are My Achilles Heel

Day 6

Day 6 and weekends are always my weak point. So haven't drank as much water but no soda either.  Had eggs, sausage, and pico de gallo for breakfast and lettuce with boiled egg, smoked pork and pico de gallo for lunch.  Got a 45 minute walk in this morning and think I pulled my Achilles' tendon the other day because it is a bit tender today but walked through the pain.  That was not the best idea so have been icing it all afternoon.

Did shush kabobs and cauliflower bites for supper.  They were really good.  Here's the recipe if you want to try them.  Will definitely be making these again!

Cauliflower cheese bites
10 oz cauliflower florets
1/2 cup bread crumbs
2 eggs (beaten)
1 tsp parsley flakes
1 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic power
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
3/4 cup mozzarella cheese

Cook cauliflower in microwave until hot. Drain and squeeze excess moisture from florets.  I used paper towels.  Chopped up the cauliflower and add all ingredients together.  Scoop onto cookie sheet in spoonfuls and smash down a bit.  Cook in oven at 400 for 17 minutes until brown. Serve while hot and with marinara or ranch if you wish.  I used a cookie scoop to put on the sheet that way they were all the same size and shape to cook evenly.  You can fry them in oil on the stove but that's a big no no in my adventure book.

I had them plain without sauce and they were really good.  I think next time I might add some pepper because I'm a big pepper fan but everyone loved them.  There were none left plus they are paleo diet friendly.  I know I bent two of my rules with the cheese and breadcrumbs but finding things to eat is getting a bit difficult.  I probably only had less than 1/32 of a cup of crumbs and the cheese equals to about a thumb size amount.  So still good and it has to be about portion size.

Did treat myself to a brownie that I made for my boys.  It was about 2 bites worth but enough to treat myself and get rid of my craving for something sweet.  I have kept on track and with my challenges done and my 45 minute walk, I treated myself for being so good this week.  I could have easily devoured the whole pan and put ice cream on the entire thing but I didn't, but the point is that my goal was more important that my instant gratification for a bigger brownie.  Which brings me to my quote of the day.

                                                  Quote of the Day

I have noticed that even though I could have a soda, I really don't want one. Which is extremely out of character for me.

Weekends are my Achilles heel and I made it through today pretty good.  Hopefully tomorrow is as easy.  If I can get out and walk (if my heal pain is better) I will be good otherwise will have to do a DVD while I heal a bit.

So hope your weekend is going well and you got to enjoy some outside time.  Stay tuned tomorrow
For another episode.

Food Log Saturday March 14, 2015
2 eggs
1 fresh sausage patties (size of a silver dollar)
2 tsp pico de gallo

Shredded smoked pork(2 tablespoons)
1 hard boiled egg
2 tsp pico de gallo

Shush kabob (beef, onion, mushroom, green pepper, zucchini)
2 cauliflower bites

2 inch by 1/2 in brownie

Spring Ahead- SUCKS

I know the majority of you out there in blog land enjoy the changing of the seasons from winter to spring and you give me grief for my l...