Saturday, March 21, 2015


Day 13

Another weekend to battle through.  But has been a little easier since I have to study most of the weekend, so too busy to to think about eating.

But at the wonderful bright cheery time of 5 a.m. this morning I was WIDE AWAKE!!!!  Talk about a waste of perfectly good sleep time, so did my challenges and my knee is almost 100%, unfortunately my mind wondered while I was sitting there in the glow of the television.

I'm a people person.  I want, heck sometimes need, people to like me.  Do they all like me?  NO.  Do they think I'm insane or just stand offish at times?  Probably.  But in general I do try very hard not to make anyone feel like they are "less than".  Unfortunately, I do feel that sometimes.  I know deep down I'm not "less than" and that I have people who I love and who support me even when I'm dancing in the middle of a WalMart aisle with bananas on my head singing, the "Do you like Pina Coladas song" a little too loudly.  But a friend of mine (whom I really don't get to see as much as I would like) texted me last night and she was having a tough week and my name popped in her head and so she texted.  She felt as though no one cared and she felt left out of things, and from what she told me, she was having a pretty yucky week.  I told her she was always welcome at our home, no invitation or special phone call needed, just show up and hang out.  Then I did a remarkable thing that I know most of you don't even know your phones can do, I CALLED HER!  We talked for about 45 minutes and made plans for getting together in the future, but it got me thinking.  I know it can only take one person to turn a good day into a not so great one and visa versa, and sometimes silence is more hurtful then when they actually say something.  Then I found this quote and I think it's fitting:


And if you think about it, it's true.  As long as you know you are important, then what someone else says shouldn't amount to a hill of beans, right?  Unfortunately we let our guards down and hope for the best in people and sometimes they fall short in the expectations you had in your mind.  At the end of the phone call my friend and I were laughing and reminiscing about the stupid stuff we did together, by the way, she was a first hand witness to the banana singing in WalMart and I reminded her that she joined in on the chorus of "Do you like Pina Coladas" which she remembered a little bit of, and we made a point to stay in better contact, even if its just a text to say hi, I love you, how you doing?

So I found this other quote and it fit her situation and actually clicked a lightbulb on in my brain.  This is something I really believe.  Does it hurt to be left out or ignored, well yeah, I'm human, but "Is that person happy?", if the answer is yes, then I'm not part of the equation.  Which means will it matter in a year to me?  Probably not, heck I have a hard enough time remembering what I ate for breakfast, so I'm pretty sure my brain cells can be put to better use, like remembering all the lyrics to songs from the late 80's and early 90's and remembering obscure tv shows like Dinosaurs and Hart to Hart.

So today, give someone a text, tell them hi, smile at a stranger walking by instead of looking at the ground.  Maybe leave a sticky note on a window telling them they are amazing!

Each day is a gift and it's completely up to us how we use it.  So my superheros, use your powers for good and not evil today.  April 1st (April Fools Day) is coming up and you can use your evil powers then.

So remember, everyone is important and everyone deserves to be treated with kindness!
So go out and spread some love, my superheros!

I know not much on my food adventure, but my mental health is part of that adventure, so enjoy the ride and hang on tight!

Food Log Saturday, March 21, 2015:

Salad with Ham

Cauliflower bites (by special request of my hubby)


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