Friday, March 13, 2015



Day Five and I practically had to have a crane drag my happy behind out of bed this morning.  After Zumba last night, (a big shout out to the 5 die hard Zumba Divas that showed up even though it was really nice outside), and then I did my 4 challenges (plank, squat, pushup, crunch).  Now I was a bit sore from Fusion on Wednesday, but today my shoulders and upper arms are telling me that they are not happy with me.  Also every time I sneeze, (which for some reason I have done 5 times this morning)  I can feel where those planks are taking their toll.  So that must mean that those particular muscles are getting a bit of a challenge, but they are not overly happy with me today.  Too bad, they will have to suck it up and keep going, NO EXCUSES, no even from my sore muscles.

Today is Friday the 13th.  Most people feel this day is "unlucky".  I think it's great.  My daughter was born on Friday the 13th at 13 minutes to 7:00 p.m. and she graduated in the year 2013, so 13 doesn't hold any ill will in our home. Plus we own a black cat!  So superstition on this day be gone! So get out and enjoy your Friday.

It's only a bad luck day, if you let it be. Think of it as a Friday and you have two days off of work to look forward too.

So did take my Advocare and had my oatmeal (tried a HyVee Brand kind, can't say I liked it very much, it was like paste, think I will stick with Quaker or Oatfit, but I still ate it.)  Gold star to me, the hubby did do chicken last night and it was very yummy.

I've also been a bit hungry today, kind of want to snack on all the bad things I'm trying to avoid, having daydreams of gooey pizza with potato chips and french onion dip but I'm being good and it's not like I'm giving up those foods forever and I only have 64 more days (seems like 6400 right now), but in the realm of my existence on this planet its only a small drop in my bucket of time.

Ok getting off track, my quote of the day is:


Anyone who has done Piloxing Fusion, will totally relate to this little ditty.  Not exactly a quote, but pretty true in it's accurateness.  Just a funny ha ha for this Friday the 13th.

So today I will be doing some shopping in order to give myself a little bit of variety in the food department.  Plus I have been given and found a few recipes that require some not found at your local grocery store ingredients (coconut flour and oil) that I want to try out.  Will let you know how they turn out.  In fact trying the baked cauliflower nuggets and possible a paleo taco.  Will keep you posted on what happens.  Also my sister-in-law, Shawna, sent me a fat bombs recipe that I'm going to try along with a flourless thumbprint breakfast cookie to help with my energy and give me a snack option.

So drinking my water and making a meal plan in order to stick to my goal.  So a short and sweet blog today, but its a good day.

Food Log Friday, March 13, 2015
Hyvee Oatmeal

Chef Salad

Herb roasted potatoes
Baked cauliflower nuggets (if good will share recipe)



  1. Interested to hear how the cauliflower turns out! You are doing great, keep it up!

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