Sunday, March 29, 2015


Day 21
Last day of studying for my test and then tomorrow morning we will see how it goes.  Practice tests have been ranging from 80 to 94% so I think I will pass.

Thank you to all of those "superheroes", Shout outs to Shawna, Kathy, and Jodie H. that are posting on FB and telling me not to be so hard on myself.  Today is a new day and even though I am still doing the caffeine thing (diet pepsi), I am making a conscience effort to watch what I put in my mouth.  I didn't have supper last night, too tired and I needed sleep more than I needed food.  This morning had a egg and sausage scramble before I headed to the office to study.

So much more quiet to study at the office.  With 3 tvs, 2 xboxs and the fact that if I am anywhere in the facility and get involved in something that springs an alert to my children and husband to have the desperate need to ask me something.  Happens when I have to use the bathroom at home also.  And whenever I'm on the phone.  They could be happily content doing whatever it is they are doing and as long as I'm not doing anything I don't hear a peep out of them.  But the minute I pick up a phone, just sit on the toilet, or start a practice test for studying, it's like a light starts flashing and they just have to ask me something and it needs an answer like NOW. Which normally I'm ok with that, but when you are trying to memorize concepts and decipher questions, it's hard to concentrate with all the interruptions, plus I need quiet and that is one thing that my house is never been is quiet. Which I actually kind of like because it means that there is something always going on.  But only one more day of this and then take the test and it's over.

Very windy outside, must be if I can hear it in my office which is kind of in the middle of the building.  No windows to distract me on what the outside world is doing.  In fact, unless I look at my clock on my computer, I have no concept of time.  In fact, Jeff sent me a text at 7:00 saying that supper was almost done, I saw the text at 7:00 wanted to finish up my test and by the time I walked out the door it was 9:30 and it only seems like a couple of minutes.  Guess times flies when you have your little brain working at full capacity.

So with the words of encouragement from Shawna, Kathy and Jodie and of course, you amazing people who for some reason are reading this blog (which I find completely AMAZING and am grateful more than you can know), I found my quote of the day and it seems to fit perfectly.


So back to studying I go.  Just making sure that the information I learned and the techniques I learned all stay fresh for me in the morning.  I have to be in Des Moines by 7:30 a.m. so a bright and early morning for me tomorrow but 7 hours later when that little wheel is spinning on the computer calculating my score, I hope it shows 72% or above and then I will be ABOVE THE CLOUDS.  So stay tuned to see what Monday will bring.

Every day is a gift and it's up to us on how we use it.  Some days you need that stay in your pajamas and catch up on your favorite tv show or just snuggle and watch movies for the day.  But then you have those days you are so busy doing chores and errands you just wish there was one more day in the weekend to accomplish all you have set up for yourself.  How you use your day is up to you?  Will you use your powers for good or evil my superheroes?  If you use them for good then you are truly superheroes in every since of the word, but if a little evil appears than means your villain side is starting to grow.  Remember that a little villain in you can be good, gives you perspective, but if you feel like you are falling and everything is getting dark, reach out your hand and I promise to catch you and bring you to the light. Which is what all of you do every time you read my blog, comment on my FB, or text me.  Change is hard, but feeling alone and hopeless makes all things seem impossible. Luckily that word "impossible" is being crossed out of my vocabulary.  So thank you for reading and remember:
You are kind, You are Smart, and You are Important (especially to me)

Food Log Sunday, March 29, 2014
egg and sausage scramble

Fruit cup



1 comment:

Spring Ahead- SUCKS

I know the majority of you out there in blog land enjoy the changing of the seasons from winter to spring and you give me grief for my l...