Thursday, March 15, 2018

Spring Ahead- SUCKS

I know the majority of you out there in blog land enjoy the changing of the seasons from winter to spring and you give me grief for my love of snow, but with spring comes the dreaded Daylight Savings Time of losing an hour.

I already get up at 5 a.m.  My internal clock and my furry alarm clocks make sure that my day starts bright and early and when I'm up, I'M UP.  No going back to sleep for little ole me.  I get overly excited if I make it to 6:30 a.m., think I'm on vacation.

So with the time change you would think that I would be getting up at 6, cause if I used to get up at 5, add an hour, that's 6 a.m., right.  WRONG.

Now I'm getting up at 4 a.m.  Which makes for a very long day, but then I go to bed a 9:00 p.m. like I'm 10 and have to go to school the next day.  I go to bed before anyone else in my house.  Sad when you go to bed before your own kids.

So does anyone else suffer from this syndrome.  I don't seem to have the problem when we add an hour in the fall but spring kicks my happy butt each time.  Takes about a month before I fully acclimate and get back on track.

So you think I would take advantage of this extra time and maybe get in an extra workout.  NOPE!!!  My bed takes me hostage and the covers will not let me go, so as a hostage I have to do as they demand and stay snuggled in, but I do watch tv and catch up on my media sites.  I get more done before I get OUT of bed that no wonder I feel like I'm constantly on the go.  I pay my bills on my phone, I listen to music, I find out the weather for the day, I think about what I'm going to wear to work, I check my calendar and try to figure out how to fit everything I need to complete into the rest of my day.  I text friends good morning, or I play with my fur babies til they push on my bladder to the point I have to get up and use the restroom and feed them.

So to all you who have looked forward to Spring to come,  congratulations its almost officially here, next Tuesday, March 20th is the first day of Spring, but first we get to enjoy a little light snow and freezing rain the next couple of days in my area.  So get to have a couple of snuggle days left before Spring demands our attention outside.

But Daylight Savings Time sucks, especially in the Spring when we lose an hour.  My hours are precious and I hate losing it.

So if I wish to not longer participate in DST, then I either have to move to Hawaii or Arizona, cause they don't do DST.  Maybe do Spring in Arizona, and Summer in Hawaii, cause I have to be in Iowa for Fall and Winter, cause I couldn't be in heat all year long, but I'd have an amazing tan I can guarantee you that.

So have a peachy week my friends and will work on my internal clock and see if I can get it reset before I get too grumpy and start snapping at complete strangers due to lack of proper sleep.

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Spring Ahead- SUCKS

I know the majority of you out there in blog land enjoy the changing of the seasons from winter to spring and you give me grief for my l...