Thursday, March 12, 2015

DAY 4- Walking the Plank!!!!

Hey it's day 4 and all is well in the world.  Slept well last night, though I think daylight savings is less fun in the spring as it is in the fall (definitely prefer the extra hour than the lack of one).  A little sore from Piloxing Fusion last night, but nothing a good stretch didn't cure.

Someone brought breakfast pizza this morning to work for everyone, it smells really good, but I made my little cup of oatmeal with flaxseed and went back to my desk and cried like a baby...............just kidding, didn't even bother me a bit, but it did smell good.  I feel a bit more chipper today, been doing about 176 ounces of water (which is 22 cups or 1.375 gallons, for you math wizards out there), I usually have my last drop around 8:00 pm, so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night.

I do feel good but still on the tired side.  Trying to find more options to eat, but I notice I have to make myself eat.  I'm just not hungry, I don't know if it's all the water I consume, but especially after working out, I can easily not eat and be happy with it.  I know this is not a good practice and it's only day 4, so I still am working out the kinks in the adventure.  So if you have suggestions, I'm open to some guidance on what to do.  I make myself eat breakfast, lunch, and supper and my days this week have been flying by that I don't even realize the time until the next meal so snacking has not been a part of my day.  I had a slight weak moment yesterday where I thought maybe just one can of Diet Pepsi would be ok, but I marched my happy butt back to my desk and starting drinking my water, because it was out of habit, not because I was thirsty and wanted a soda (yes I call it soda, and yes I know I live in Iowa and everyone else calls it pop, but it's the same thing people) And I now have an official Soda Body Guard (SBG) ready to kick my urges to the curb when needed, she is only a phone call or text away, so to my SBG Kathy W. I believe soda should be shaking in its boots today knowing you are in the shadows ready to do some fancy Navy Seal moves on it's aluminum booty.

Fiber drink, Oasis, Catalyst, Probiotic, Omegaplex, Clear Mood, and Thermoplus first thing this morning and my oatmeal to top off my routine.  I do better with a routine, I'm like a 2 year old, when I have a routine, I seem to be grand, when my routine gets interrupted, I'm the same 2 year old without his nap and favorite blankie, in essence a bit cranky and out of sorts to say the least and on the verge of a full blown, feet stompin, arm flaying, head banging tantrum.  I know some people get bored with routine, but I am a planner.  I know as long as I'm able to make sure I have healthy food options, then falling off the wagon is less likely to happen.

A dear friend of mind mentioned I should "visualize" my goals. (Thanks, Jodie H. and promise I will post a goal board at some time, just need to give it a little more thought beyond my immediate goals I listed in Post #1) I like this idea, so just to get started, I think I'll do a quote of the day for myself to follow and remember when things get a little rocky, Yesterdays was more of a full life mantra, but I think a little encouragement each day, be it funny or insightful, is a great was to visualize my day.

So today I have two, one that is reminiscent of last night's workout and one for today.

I'm not the best planker, in fact I believe that planking challenges where made for people like me.  It's not my stomach that makes me want to quit, its my arms and shoulders.  So needless to say, I'm a bit sore after our buddy activities which included lots of fun things called planks.  Think I need to get a planking challenge started today, because I definitely need improvement in this area and it works so many parts of your body that even if I just did during commercials for the one hour I'm actually awake to watch tv, it would at least be a step in the right direction.  So put that down on the list of things I'm doing on my adventure.  Okay we are not putting in on the list we are GOING TO DO IT, SO


Ok I've decided to give myself a bit more of a challenge and I'll do a plank, squat, push-up and crunch challenge.  (See the following post)  I can do the squats at work, heck I probably do 20 squats alone for all my restroom visits each day.  The push up, plank and crunch, I can do during commercials and when I'm just sitting on my backside at home.

Did that sound official enough?  I thought it added a bit of class.

 Stay tuned, I also have Zumba tonight, so I am making this a new priority for the next 30 days.

Now to the actual "Quote of the Day"

This is my motivation today.  I can and will do this but I have to put myself first.  Not something I'm very good at doing. I sincerely believe it's a mom thing, if you're a mom you completely get where I'm coming from. In fact, I can't remember the last time I bought something "just for me", think the year started with a one (ie 19something).  Taking Zumba and Piloxing Fusion is a step forward, and luckily I have an amazing hubby who even will say to me when it's close to class time, "Aren't you going to Zumba/Fusion?", and if I say, "I was thinking of skipping," he's like, "Well you did pay for it and isn't Amanda going to miss you?"  The guilt card and the frugal card are great things to motivate you to get off the couch.  Also I know he's doing it to help me, even though there are times I want to throw something at his head and make an impact, but the love is there after my initial reaction of "Who the heck do you think you are, Mr. Man?"  But then he says something funny, I smile, threaten to get him back in the future using my Ninja Zumba powers and then I get up and put my shoes on and head to class.

I want to give a shout out to Kelli V, Jodie H, Shawna J., and Kathy W, for the kind words and encouragement on yesterday's post.  Sorry about the posting on the blog, but posting on FB works for me also.  Knowing people are reading is definitely keeping me accountable but it also is motivating me to do better each day.  So thank you to those that are reading and listening to my daily outbursts and thank you again for the encouragement and suggestions.  I accept all the help I can get to make sure my adventure is a true SUCCESS!!! 

So, I'm pretty happy being on day 4, that is halfway through my first week.  I have noticed changes in my face, it's clearing up (not that I had teenage acne in need of ProActive, but breakouts just the same).  And I know it might sound a bit odd, but can tell in the shape of my face.  I also realize I need to eat something before I work out because last night during buddy wall sits, my legs were vibrating so fast you would have thought I was a "Fifty Shades of Grey" prop.

So supper tonight is on the boys.  So not sure what the "Meat" of the day will be tonight (probably chicken), but will definitely get an apple or banana before Zumba so I don't fall down during my boogie session.  My hubby loves to grill for any one who doesn't know him and we grill ALL YEAR LONG.  It's his thing, and I love him for it.  So not sure what mystery dinner will be tonight, I do know I will be having veggies (broccoli and cauliflower), I really like veggies with just a hint of garlic pepper on them.  But will do my challenges first, then Zumba, then supper.  After that a shower, I look like a melting snowman after Zumba and then off to watch my most favorite show, The Blacklist.  Hey I don't get to watch a lot of TV.  With 3 TV's hooked up to Directv, I'm lucky to get to watch a few shows a week, thank goodness for DVR's, or I would be completely lost.

So challenge, Zumba, and the Blacklist to end my day, sounds like a good ending to me.  

Stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel........

Food Log Thursday, March 12, 2015
Oatmeal with Flaxseed
Fiber Drink

Beef Patty


Chicken (highly probable)


1 comment:

  1. I think I fixed the comments problem if you want to leave any words of wisdom....


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