Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 49-Workouts=Looking good naked!

Day 49
So got a round of golf in this weekend.  The weather was so nice if would have been a shame to stay inside, then came home and baked tester cupcakes for Graduation.  I haven't eaten one of them.  Relying on everyone else eating them to tell me if they are good or not.  After making them, I have no desire to eat them.

Fusion tonight and after this week only one week left of that.  Can't do the summer session due to concession stand but maybe I can get in just for the rest of May.  Would really miss seeing those ladies.

Motivation is at about a 15 out of 100.  I have grand plans at the beginning of the week but this day has definitely taken it's toll on me.  But Fusion will get me pumped back up, just have to get there first.

I've always been the tall girl or since I've gotten older, not the size 5 girl.  Never been in my DNA.  I am working on doing better but wish there was a magic pill or wand to bap me on the head and say, tadah you are know a size 5, go forth and prosper.

Unfortunately my weightloss fairy godmother must have lost her GPS system and is unable to locate me.  You would think that fairies would have better people detectors but hey with the advances in computers happening so quickly they are probably still on dialup for their internet.

So the task goes to me.  I wake up and I'm all gung ho and ready to go then I sit at my desk for 8 hours and my gung ho gets up and leaves me.  But I pep talk myself back into going to classes.  My knee is almost back to 100% as long as I wrap it before classes and don't try to overdo it.  It's nice not to be limping around anymore.

So to give you an idea of where my head is at, here's my quote of the day:


I'm not saying that I want to be a supermodel when I look in the mirror but I'd like to look in the mirror and smile at what I see and not to go all blue on everyone, but when you are laying flat on a bed, yes your stomach looks flatter but put something round on a flat surface and it tends to W I D E N.  Unless you have a pillow top and then hopefully it sucks up all the stuff that is hiding behind you.
I don't own a full length mirror, which is probably why I'm slightly delusional as to how I look, when you only see yourself to the waist it is easy to live in la la land.

So exactly 20 days until Graduation and I need to step up my game, but my brain and my body seem to been having a difficult time relating to one another.  Every day I struggle, a bit here and a bit there, sometimes I win, sometimes I don't, but I figure as long as I keep trying then I cannot say I failed.

So enjoy the nice weather and hopefully if I get some fresh air and some sunshine my attitude will change for the better.  Rainy days and Mondays always get me down, the song goes but to be honest, finding a routine that works for me seems to be what is getting me down.  But there is always a tomorrow and that I can be forever grateful for.

Be well my friends


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