Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 29-Not Good Day 30-Better

Day 29
Woke up at 3 a.m vomiting and continued to do so for the rest of the day.  So needless to say did not get the opportunity to blog but did feel my abs get a heck of a workout.

Day 30

MUCH BETTER TODAY!  Don't know what I had but just glad that it has left the body!  Not 100% but definitely an improvement from yesterday.  Am going to Piloxing Fusion tonight to see if I can sweat out any of the bad germs that are left and get them muscles kickstarted again.

It's been a raining day here in the hood and it's a bit chilly outside.  My husband informed me he turned on the furnace last night and I would just have to adjust.  Well I guess he told me.

I want to be more motivated today but actually just trying to stay awake and reserve enough energy not to fall flat on my face at Fusion tonight will be a success.  April and May bring their own sets of stress, Proms are coming up and Graduation for my son which I, of course, being the mom that I am, do everything myself.  Yes I have great friends that help at the function which I can't thank them enough for volunteering to help me and let me visit with those that come to the party.  But it's  alot of work and alot to bake and cook.  So can't say I'm looking super forward to all of that, but I'm pretty good at organizing and I just have to get a game plan down.

My quotes of the day, one is funny and I think I will try to use it somehow today and the other just made sense in a logical way.


I love this idea and if you happen to be standing next to me when I do this, just smile and nod and I will be on my way.

Now I'm not a huge Jillian Michaels fan, all her videos has size 0 models and she yells at you alot.  Not that I don't think I need a good talking to now and again she just doesn't do it for me but I likes this quote  and it made perfect sense to me.

So another day down, have to admit the weather is not helping my motivation or my mood much, so hopefully the sun will come back and visit us soon.

Have a great day everyone and remember:

You are Kind, You are Smart, and You are IMPORTANT to ME!!!
Happy Hump Day!

Food Log, Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Roast beef on toast
Scrambled eggs

Pounds lost:  15

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