Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 28-Taxes & Ice Cream

Day 28

Back on the water wagon and half a gallon gone by noon.  Eggs and sausage for breakfast and leftover chicken and roast beast for lunch.

It is one of those days after the holiday weekend were you wish you were back in school and got Monday off to just snuggle up and watch movies and do nothing but nap.  But unfortunately when you become a grown up you are expected to be at work on Monday morning, rain or shine, sleep deprived or not, to do your thing.

Piloxing Fusion starts classes two times a week this week but I unfortunately cannot attend tonight because I'm doing a different kind of weight taxes. My checking account always gets a major workout and loses some pounds fast.  Just wish my body did the same thing.  I am not one of the fortune few that get to hear that wonderful "R" word at the end of  my appointment.......REFUND!  Nope I just pray that the number they tell me is what I actually have in the bank to pay and then another year is done and I can pretend like I'm going to get a refund NEXT year.  Which, of course, will probably not happen.

I'm not complaining that I have to pay taxes, I'm completely fine with that fact, but what is hard to swallow is the harder we work the scarier taxes are every year. Not to go political on you here but I would like to be in the "refund" category just once, but oh well, guess Uncle Sam is in desperate need of my tax money so might as well let him have it, I'd probably spend it on something silly, like food, clothing and shelter!!! lol

With the Easter Holiday over and giving myself a pass to indulge in a few bites of things I normally wouldn't have at my fingertips, I thought I did well.  Weighed myself this morning an lost 3 more pounds, which I actually think was probably more like 5 put I think I probably gained back a few the week I was "sitting" and studying.  So that brings the grand total to 15 and I'm not half way yet.  But think with more workouts and not having the stress of the Series 7 over my head, the challenge will be to keep motivated and on track.

Tried gluten free pasta for a salad I made for Easter, it was good but a bit stickier than the original kind.  But tasted good in the salad.

So here are my QUOTES OF THE DAY!  I found two.  One that tell my plight today and the other one I just thought was funny and a good parenting tip!

This is definitely not something in my vocabulary!

This was brilliant and had to share.  Hey it's our responsibilities as parents to make sure I children understand their civic responsibilities.  ha ha ha.

So have a great day everyone and try to stay dry.  Maybe the sun will visit, but the chances are looking a bit slim to none.

Hey since it's such a dreary day, take your kids out for ice cream (see above sign for ideas)

Monday, April 6, 2015




Roast Beef left over from Easter


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