Friday, May 1, 2015

DAY 53-Twitterpated! & Happy May Day

Ok, everyone give a BIG SHOUT OUT for today is FRIDAY!  I personally have a billion things to do, get shopping down for grad party, take pics at the Eagle Grove Prom and clean my house and somewhere in there get a work out or walk in and then of course maybe I'll get a few hours of sleep, but let's not get to overscheduled.

Even though I really sincerely do have an overscheduling problem especially for the next week until the grad party on Friday and I have some dear friends that have offered and volunteered to take some of my tasks and do them for me, I'm happy inside.

Now if you know me and even if you don't, I'm not one to be seen on the exterior as anything but happy.  But may not feel on the inside what I show on the outside.  But my heart feels lighter lately and I feel happy and encouraged.

Don't get me wrong, there are times in my day where work may not be all roses and candy and my children, especially my senior, seems to think his mom has no idea what she is talking about and heaven forbid he do what I ask, when I ask.  But maybe I have been twitterpated by the spring.

Do you know what twitterpated is?  It's from Bambi and here's a fun explanation.

As mentioned yesterday, I don't sleep well when my hubby is gone and he unfortunately was gone again last night which in turn means I didn't sleep much if at all, so maybe I'm just in a sleep deprived fog and you are the unlucky recipients of my verbal ranting.  But he will be home today so I guess maybe I am a bit twitterpated.  Pretty cool after 26 years and he still makes my heart flutter. (ok, ok, I know, that enough sweetness for today, you are going to get a toothache and I'm not going to accept any dental bills for reimbursement.)

So looks like some rain, or chances thereof, are in our future. So if I can't get out and walk and with working and running around this weekend I am going to try to practice my planking.  It's my least favorite thing next to burpees and I figure the more I practice, the better I will get at them and them maybe I won't have such a love/hate relationship with them.  I will tackle burpees soon, but today is not that day.

I definitely need to drink more water, when I don't sleep I seem to not drink as much water or anything else for that matter.  So my trusty water jug to the rescue.

Also today is, "Change My Look" Day, or otherwise known as, "Woman, you definitely need a haircut because it looks as if you left your broom in the alley" Day.
Here's what I trying for:
Same cut but a bit longer and with a bit or caramel highlight to lighten it up a little bit.  Doing this afternoon so will see how it goes.  I just want something different and it's just hair my dear friends, I can always do a Brittany Spears and shave it off and start again, then I would really know what my natural hair color was or is.

So my quote of the day is just a warm and fuzzy to get you through the weekend.  But remember to always use your powers for good and not evil (unless it envolves some sort of "50 Shades of Grey" between you and your significant other, then I say GO FOR IT and YOU GO GIRL!)


This blog has given me hope, encouragement, accountability and it has introduced me to new people.  And with meeting new people, there is always the chance of a new friend or ally because I am what I am, not to go all Popeye on you but you know you are starting new friendships when you talk over shaving our legs, talking about our kids, eagering waiting for the "FINAL REST", or just smiling and laughing over something overly witty I might have said-ok that might be a bit of a stretch for overly witty, would you buy "I can't believe she said that out loud".  Yeah I thought that one was more realistic.)

So did you wave at someone at the stop light yesterday?  I did and I got a huge smile and wave back and I had NO IDEA whom I just waved to but I hoped I brought a little lightness to someone.  I also have a horrible tendency to rock out to my tunes in my vehicle and I was really into Rick Springsfield's "I've Done Everything For You" and was busted by some very nice older ladies going into Pizza Ranch for Ladies Night Out!  They smiled and waved and I do believe they were laughing with me, NOPE pretty sure they were laughing at me, but I'm sure I gave them a story to talk about over dinner.

So enjoy your Friday, do one fun thing this weekend, even if it is only to sleep in an extra 1/2 hour (I'm really going to try this one).

Have a peachy weekend everyone!  And next week is weigh in time for me.  I'm a bit scared and a bit curious as to how the scale will treat me, but hey it's just a number right!

Happy May Day!


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