Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rain/Sunshine/Rain/Rain/Sunshine/Rain-NEW SHOES

I think Mother Nature must have a big wheel she is spinning and she seems to be falling on the rain slot an awful lot lately and seems like today is the day for sunshine but rain in the forecast for Thursday and Friday.

Now I don't know about you but when it's cloudy and dark and wet outside, my body seems to go in survival mode and wants to conserve energy rather than expel it.  But this is week two in the C25k challenge and I need to get week 2, day one done TODAY.  Yes I know it's Wednesday, and I really have no excuse for not doing it yesterday except for I lost my motivation, I had it yesterday when I woke up and had grand plans for after work when I got home but after a long day at work and coming home to do the dishes that didn't get done and cleaned the bathroom that somehow got dirty all by itself, and changed the litter box that should have been changed 2 days ago and made my bed and fixed dinner and then did dishes again, I somehow lost my motivation to put on my shoes and do my run, by the time I got all that done, I was just happy to sit and do NOTHING.  But this morning I read all the blogs of the ladies doing the same challenge and I was inspired and a bit disappointed in myself.  I had put everyone else in front of me again.  Was 30 minutes too much to ask for....NO!  But the person that said NO to me was the person I see in the mirror every morning.  Boy she is a pill sometimes, lovable, yes, funny, definitely, but she needs to put on her big girl pants and say NO to the dishes, the bathroom, the litter box (ok maybe not the litter box, because the poor cat can't change it and he shouldn't have to suffer).  Sometimes I lock my thoughts up inside my head (and believe me it's plenty crowded in there) and sometimes I have on very dark sunglasses so to see the bright in the darkness is hard.  Yesterday was that day.  But I woke up this morning and I had missed a text from my friend Amanda from earlier last evening because the minute I came home I shut off my phone and unplugged, but seeing her text this morning snapped me out of my fog.  I am a social butterfly, oh who am I kidding, I'm a social kangaroo (bigger, louder and much bouncier) and with no classes to go to, I lose some of my bounce.

But I'm getting new bounce in the form of NEW SHOES, I have a shoe fitting on Thursday night and I couldn't be more excited in getting fitted for shoes that will help me.  My shoes now, which have many miles on them and may be the reason my ankles and feet hurt after I walk/run, are ready to become the next stage of shoedom at my house---mowing shoes/4-wheeling shoes.  This is the end of the life cycle for my shoes and then they get to go to the Big Shoe Store in the sky.

I'm a mom and I very seldom, more closely to never, buy myself something I want.  I always think the money could be better spent on something one of my children or husband need.  I even come very close to buying something and have actually been standing in line at the cash register and then that "Mom Voice" in the back my head takes me over and I end up putting what I grabbed back, and being a mom I put it back where I found it, not on the shelf next to the register.

BUT THIS TIME, I'M GETTING MY SHOES!  And I'm almost giddy from the anticipation of getting a pair that is going to help me.

I saw this quote and even though I stumble, I really am trying and trying the healthy and right way.  And that is the way I'm sticking with.

I just have to keep trying, even if I have to start over every single day and have to forgive myself for a bad day (like yesterday), but it takes courage and strength to make a change a permanent thing.


So every day you can either give it 100% or you can just give up and call it quits.   I didn't run, but my dishes are done, my bathroom is cleaner, my bed is (was) made, my family was fed and the kitchen was cleaned up again, and my cat is much happier with a clean litter box.  So my house is a bit cleaner and I did break a sweat doing all of these things.  Were they the thing I had planned to do?  NO.  
Which brings me to my second quote
So God got a grand chuckle yesterday, but he didn't give me anything I couldn't handle and the dishes did need to be washed, the family fed, the bathroom cleaned and the litter box changed.  These were all things that needed to be done, and they got done, did I plan on doing them, NO NOT REALLY, but when I woke up this morning to a clean kitchen and bathroom, I was a little bit satisfied with myself that I did it last night.  So you never know what will happen, you just have to keep the faith and if you are lucky enough as I was this morning you figure out that just because you didn't plan it doesn't mean it was "worth" any less, it was just "different" that what you had originally pictured!

So enjoy the sunshine while it's here everyone.  


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