Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I have decided there are not enough hours in a day.  I apparently need another 8 or 9 hours a day in order to get all my grad party stuff done IN TIME for the party.  Tonight I will be missing Fusion due to the fact that I have a small window of time to get stuff done.  Tomorrow my home is cupcake central and Friday is the big party day.

I have to admit, that people I didn't know a year ago could have such an impact on my world.  When I have a valley day, they are my biggest "you rock girl" supporters.  When I need a distraction or just need a smile, they are willing to give their time and their help. For this I am grateful.

I'm over my "dressing room pity party" and promise not to try on clothes without seeking a friendly second opinion to keep my mind in the "happy" and help distract me from taking that path to "Bodyshameville".  So know I know, for me, shopping for clothes is like weightlifting, you don't do it without a spotter!

I saw this and I had to post it today of all days.  I love the little frog and to be honest, I prefer to stay in the funny.

And I think they are referring to every day knickers, not work out knickers.  
(Ladies who go to Piloxing will totally understand the difference!)

So one of the fantastic ladies that goes to Piloxing Fusion posted my quote of the day and I asked her if she minded if I used it for my blog.  She graciously said yes.  So a HUGE THANK YOU to Jill N. for the quote find.


So my spark may have been dulled at the beginning of the week, but through all of you who have encouraged me, sent me videos, my beautiful daughter for being herself and to my friends who reminded me that we all have the same insecurities they may differ in levels but all in all, us girls, are always are own worst critics.  Statler and Waldorf were being overly critical in my mind. (In case you didn't know Statler and Waldorf are the old men from "The Muppet Show" that sat in the balcony and critiqued the show.  Here's a pic of them for those that are a bit lax in your Muppet knowledge.

So it's Wednesday and with the help of a glue gun, some duct tape, lots of butter and flour and sugar galore, a little spark will turn into a mighty bonfire and I WILL GET EVERYTHING DONE FOR THIS PARTY!  By Saturday I do believe I will be officially spent and will not be accepting any outside contacts until at least 9:00 a.m.  Because I'm not going to waste a perfectly good Saturday!

As my grandmother always said, "Keep you chin up and level to the ground, that way the world can see your beautiful face!"  I may have to needlepoint that on a pillow so I have a daily reminder that even though I don't "fit" into a certain piece of clothing, that in no way diminishes me.  I have Value! I am a pretty terrific person!  Not to brag, but I think I'm pretty likable!  Perhaps I'm not supposed to fit into a particular box, but maybe, just maybe, I'm supposed to pop out of that box like Jack (get it, Jack in the box, ok, not my best pun!)

So though the sun has decided to nap and I would have killed (ok not killed, but mamed) in order to get another 30 minutes of sleep this morning, There are things to be done and I want my son to have a great party and if I have to drop from exhaustion and be covered in flour and cookie dough then so be it.

Each one of us has VALUE!  We may forget this occasionally, but if you're lucky like me (which if I know you, then you are lucky, because I've got your back), you have people who will take a moment out of their day to remind you of that fact!

So unless you see a Bat Signal in the air, I am off and running!

Happy trails to you!  Until we meet again!  Keep smiling until then!  Who cares about the clouds when we are together!  Just sing a song and think of sunny weather.  Happy trails to you, til we meet again!

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