Tuesday, November 28, 2017


So after surviving making 2 turkeys and a full meal for Thanksgiving and only suffering 2 burns on the same finger (wanted to apparently limit my suffering to one place in order to be more efficient), it was a beautiful day and I even got a walk in after dinner, so all in all a great day was had by all.

I made pumpkin and cherry pie.  Now I'm a known pumpkin pie addict, in fact before my daughter (who will be 23 next month), my hubby left for the weekend at the end of November and I had just made 6, yes 6, pumpkin pies.  He left on Friday and by Sunday afternoon, there were no pies left.  Yes, that is what I ate the entire weekend along with 6, yes I said 6 LARGE tubs of Cool Whip.  Cause you can't eat pumpkin pie without Cool Whip that is just so wrong.  I'm was shocked that my daughter wasn't born with a orange twinge to her skin, but think maybe the Cool Whip counteracted the orange.  My husband was shocked, but I really like pumpkin pie.  Ok so back to my original thought, I made 4 pumpkin pies, sent 2 out the door with guests, one was eaten on the day and then there was the one lonely one that was left.  It was sitting in my fridge, looking at me with all it's yummy pumpkinness just begging me to slice off a chuck and dip it in cool whip and shove it in my mouth.  I resisted temptation until Sunday and I decided one little slice wasn't going to hurt, right?  I was all excited, pretty sad when a sliver of pumpkin pie makes your eyes gloss over and makes you drool in front of the refrigerator like a starving man looking at a ham, but that is exactly how I felt.  So after drowning my pie in that glorious white and fluffy concoction that makes all desserts better, I was ready, no I was more than ready to take that fork and put that yummy, smooth and memory invoking food into my mouth.  So I took a bite, and to be honest, it didn't taste the same.  Now don't get me wrong, it tasted like it was supposed to, but I think my taste buds are staging a strike and weren't bursting with the pleasure I used to get from pumpkin pie.  After two more bites, I just didn't have the will to finish it.  After all these months of no sweets, I think my taste buds and brain have rewired and things that used to be mind blowing, now are just blah.  Now this is good and bad in a way.  Good that I don't crave all the sweets I could consume in mass quantities and add inches on my hips just by looking at them, bad in that I kind of miss that feeling of the first bite.  Pumpkin pie and I go way back.  It probably it my most favorite pie since I can't remember when, so I'm thinking we are no longer best friends, but acquaintances that will send Christmas cards to each other once a year to catch up on how long it's been since we last seen each other.  I still like pumpkin pie, but I guess my love for it has cooled from a Fifty Shades of Grey obsession to more of a "The Christmas Story" movie, ok to see once a year but really don't wish to watch beyond the holidays.

So I'm still riding my bike to work as it still hasn't SNOWED!  And since Mother Nature seems to be having hot flashing at the moment, the joke is that I will be riding my bike until Christmas.  So now the bets are how long will I ride my bike.  Only time and Mother Nature know, but I'm determined to ride until it actually snows!

Weight wise I've lost another pound and a half, so up to 108.5 so far and I'm shocked that I can to sit ups and crunches without having to pull myself up, which is kinda cool. 

So the holidays are in full swing and Cyber this and Sale that is all around us.  Remember to tell those around you how much you love them and love having them here.  Because as someone who lost their parents early in life, there is so much that you have that you don't realize it until it's gone, take a minute and be grateful for what you have and not what you don't.

So I hope you have you list for Santa ready and whether you are on the nice or naughty list, remember that you matter in this world.  Especially to me, cause if you all didn't read this, then I would be just some strange Mid West lady that obsesses about pumpkin pie and snow and moans and groans about weight training in order to make her butt smaller.

So have a peachy week my friends and good luck to all on your holiday countdown.

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