Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I apologize for the lateness of this post.  We had a big celebration for my daughter graduating college and time got away from me.

But some funny things did happen.  While trying to surprise my daughter with a cake (not just any cake, a Krumbs Cake cake, made by the one any only Kim (a cousin of my husband's) they are amazingly decorated and I've heard nothing but raves from how they taste) anyhow, I told my daughter we were going to Des Moines to pick up a part for her dad and had to get it from some farmer at a Target parking lot.  She never even questioned it, which is a bit odd.  So why we were waiting in my car in the parking lot in our dark glasses peering into each car, truck and SUV that was going by looking like we were on a stake out or perhaps casing the joint for some sort of showdown with the mob.  Finally Kim and Aunt Ann showed up and she was shocked and surprised.  So in reality we were there for a pickup, a white sugar pickup (wink wink) no money exchanged hands but there were hugs and laughs which I don't think is illegal in Iowa to exchange in a Target parking lot.
She graduated her radiology technologist program and this was the cake.

This was the best cake ever!  We cannot stress how much we loved this cake. A HUGE shout out to Kim and Krumbs Cakes for this cake!

Ok that was the back story for the cake.  I told Kim I WAS going to have at least a bite of this cake, so I waited until almost 11:30 p.m. had my daughter slice me a piece and here is the famous bite.

Now just for the record, I had ONE BITE! But it was the most amazing, fantastic, orgasmic bite of cake and frosting that I have ever tasted.  I savored it, rolled it around in my mouth like a fine wine.  I was almost depressed that I had to actually swallow this sweet concoction that was flavorfully dancing across my tongue.  I do believe I saw fireworks flashing across the back of my eyelids as I closed my eyes and just took a moment to enjoy this sugar filled miracle as it melted in my mouth and made me see fireworks, fields of flowers and I think I actually heard children laughing in my ears. But alas I did swallow and was super tempted to take a second bite, but my will won out and I gave my cake to a friend to finish.  (Is that too much of an explanation of one bite of cake?  Too bad, it was out of this world, after 10 months of NO and I mean NO cake, not even a little lick of frosting, this was like getting a free trip to Disneyland and getting Mickey Mouse himself being your personal tour guide!)

So with so much going on, been getting my workouts in when I can, some days not so much due to all the running around for the party but hey steps are steps whether they be on a treadmill, a track, or down ailes at Sam's Club.

I've added a Spark a day, this is a wonderful drink that has a bit of caffeine but also tons of other vitamins and such to give my day a bit of a start.  Honestly, I needed something besides water and Crystal light.  I don't like tea or milk and since I don't drink anything with bubbles, this makes for a challenge to find something to drink that doesn't have tons of sugar and calories.  But spark is only 45 calories and I just need one to keep my morning going.

I haven't lost much in the pounds department, but I am noticing a change in muscle mass.  Things are starting to tighten up a little, which is nice, but I still have loose skin that I'm either going to have to live with or perhaps sometime in the future consult on my options about.  It doesn't bother me much, but jumping jacks are not my friend when it come to the looser skin, so those are not in my exercise routine, but I've never really liked jumping jacks so not much of a loss.

So to the numbers:


Months without Soda or Alcohol:
11 months

Months without Pasta, Bread, Potatoes, and Sweets
10 months 
Disclaimer:  I didn't have my ONE bite of cake until after my 10 months, but don't think ONE BITE constitutes a void of my goal.

Total pounds lost to date:

Total pounds till hit 100 Pounds-1 year Goal 

Total pounds to Ultimate goal

I'm thinking I may have to adjust my ultimate goal a little, but 100 is my one year goal.  And I am hoping I can do it.  One pound lost since last month, but as I said, things are shifting, I'm not losing fat, but I do believe I am gaining some muscle mass which make sense.

I really need to do more strength training, which isn't my favorite, but this is another hurdle I'm working through.

So there is a short and "sweet" version of my 10 months.  Two months to go, actually 50 days to lose 7 pounds, but I'm hoping to crush that and am going to try to 10, 12 would be better, 15 would be remarkable and 20, ok I'm getting ahead of myself here.

Stay tuned.  Due to Facebook's "On This Day" I've had to surprise of seeing photos of myself from years past, some only one or two years old others older than that.  I have to say when I see those, I have mixed feeling.  One one hand, I'm very happy took the steps I did to get where I'm at, on the only hand, I look at those pictures and still have that ping my my heart that reminds me how I felt about myself at that time.  It takes a minute to swallow and realize that I was really really overweight.  But to be honest, I didn't see myself like that, but now that I see those pictures I know I don't ever want to go back to that again.  And the only person that make that not happen again is me!  So the buck stops here and thank goodness that cake went fast because I don't think I have that much willpower not to sneak another LARGER bite next time.

Every new day is another chance to change your life.  But you have to do the hard work.  Unfortunately we haven't advanced enough yet where we can lose weight and pay someone else to do the work.  So don't give up and don't give in.  Believe in yourself and believe you deserve to be happy.

Have a peachy week my friends and I hope today is the start of something great for you!

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