Monday, February 6, 2017

February-A Short Month Full of So Much

February is the month of groundhogs, love, presidents, and this year the Super Bowl.  That a lot of things to cram pack into such a small month.  But February is small but mighty.  The groundhog decided 6 more weeks of winter was our destiny and if you live in Iowa that could easily stretch to 10 weeks but the forecast for this week seems to be giving us a little hope.

I'm a winter person.  I like the snow and the cold, the ice, not so much! But you take the good with the bad.  I think one of the reason I liked the cold was because it was ok to wear your baggy sweaters and sweatshirts.  If you gained a pound or two or thirty, no one was the wiser until spring.  Then all heck broke loose and you had to try to stuff all that extra winter body into your spring/summer attire from the year before and nothing is more depressing then trying on a swimsuit. Especially after a long winter and you have no resemblance of any sort of a tan and if there wasn't a roof on the store they could spot my white flesh from the space station.  If you are a person who enjoys trying on swimsuits, then I tip my hat to you, because this is something that is dreaded every year, in my opinion, by most women, me in particular!  But guess what, that is a bridge I will have to cross in a few months, because, ta daa, my old suit literally falls off my body.  Who knew eating healthy and exercise could work!  Why am I talking swimsuits in February?  Because the stores love to jump the gun and bring out seasonal things a full season before you will need them and I find this hilarious because I saw a swimsuit with valentine hearts on it.  Now I can see a need for this in California or Florida, but Iowa???? But hey, who am I to tell big business how to run.  I buy a swimsuit once every 10 years so guess I'm not the demographic they are trying to hit!!!!

Valentine;s Day is just around the corner, but for me February marks my 28th year as a married woman!  On February 11th at 5:30 p.m. I will have been Mrs. Jeff Jacobs for 28 years.  This is a huge accomplishment I think.  But in all honesty, it has flown by.  I have been married more years than I was single.  My husband is funny and handsome and is the reason my heart beats.  Don't get me wrong, we love each other but there are those moments in time when you watch multiple tv shows on "how to kill your spouse" on ID and think maybe this information might come in handy one day. In fact, my hubby jokes when I'm watching a marathon of shows of this nature, that perhaps the children should test his food first before he eats it.  I told him he was safe until he notices I'm purchasing large quantities of lye and purchase a new shovel.  So I think he's safe for awhile, I hate going to the hardware store and looking for new shovels and lye is heavy!!!!

But one of my loves this month is ZUMBA!  This is a class that after 60 minutes of exercise, I literally have sweat through my clothes.  The thing is, it doesn't feel like 60 minutes.  Ever been on the treadmill and you keep looking at the time and you just keep counting down until you are done.  In Zumba, you have no acknowledgement of time.  When that first song starts you get sucked in by the beat.  For me it's a mass concentration on what to do with my feet and hands at the same time trying to do the moves to the beat of the music while also being persuaded by our instructors (Miriam and Jill) to whoop and holler all while trying to breathe.  Now I have never proclaimed to a great dancer, heaven to mergatroid, I'm excited to just bounce around to the beat.  And I'm a great multitasker, but when it comes to multitasking my body, I'm a bit of a spaz!  But hey, I am a Zumba Spaz and proud of it.  I give it 110% and leave feeling happy and exhausted but enlightened all at the same time.  The ladies I have the privilege to spend pretending like I'm Beyonce or Jennifer Lopez, make me smile and are a big reason I love this class!

So not much to report on the weight front, waiting until the 19th to weigh in, but may break down and have a small treat on the 11th, because after 28th years, I think I deserve a little celebration treat for being with the best guy ever.

So whether your team won in the Super Bowl (by the way the Patriots won if you haven't heard), you have someone to hug and kiss on Valentines Day, you bundled up your coat and decided that groundhogs are odd animals to predict the weather, or you get a day off for President's Day, I hope each day you remember that it's a new day and anything can happen.  How do you want today to turn out?  I pep talk to myself a lot and sometimes it becomes a barroom brawl with all my multiple voices in my head, but with the exception of the diva in my head that has a sweet tooth, the rest of them are on my side and I have to remember that it really is all up to ME!

You are worth it!  There is no other you like you!  And in my case, that probably is a good thing.  Don't think the planet can handle two of me, could be a job for the Avengers should something that earth shattering happen!  But hey, if I get to be swooped up by Captain America and maybe watch as Thor does pushups all while quoting poetry to me, then maybe I'm for this twin thing.

Have a great day my friends and remember each day is a gift!  Open it and see what amazing things are in store for you!!!!

Until next time, thanks for reading!!!!

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