Thursday, February 23, 2017

From 60 degrees to 12 inches of Snow to Topless in Iowa

I think Iowa weather is a lot like my weight.  You go through the seasons and you get a little bit of encouragement (ie dropped pounds, or 60 degree weather with lots of sunshine) and then Karma/Mother Nature throw a curve ball at you to test your patience.  Tomorrow through Saturday we are "predicted" to get from 9 to 14 inches of snow in the area.  That's like stepping on the scale on Monday and seeing a 5 pound loss and then stepping on it on Wednesday and it shows you gained 10 pounds.  Makes no sense whatsoever, right!  But if we wanted our weather to be constant and never changing we would live in California or Arizona.

I did a little undergarment shopping for the upper half of my torso, also known to most as bra shopping this weekend.  Now the last time I actually went to try on bras, not sports bras, I'm almost embarrassed to say, but it has been many, many years. Now I'm not much on frilly and would much rather just put on a sports bra and call it a day.  Sure I might have a uniboob but under a sweatshirt, who the heck will ever know.  So on a mission with my amazing daughter, Savannah, and our mission that we chose to take on, FIND MOM NEW BRAS!

Have you ever tried to find bras?  This is a baffling part of the clothing industry.  How can something that basically consists of the least amount of fabric cost so much? Why can't it be simple? Now I googled, pinterest, and internet searched for ways to find the correct fitting bra, and they all had their own ways of figuring your size.  But at the end of each one, it would say, "Though measurements are helpful, the best way to find a bra that fits correctly is to try it on".  Which was helpful but a bit discouraging.  But I measured and had a general idea of what I was getting myself in for.

So into the store we go and a beeline to the lingerie department.  Now maybe some of you are blessed with just enough to make you happy, but unfortunately I have more than a handful to try to keep above the equator.  Now I would love to get a cute little bra that has polka dots and lace and cute little straps, but in order to keep my girls from defecting, we needed to call in the National Guard of Bras.  So after picking about 8 different bra styles and cups and alternating sizes, I went on to the dressing rooms to try each on and find the mystical thing called the "Perfect Fitting Bra"

Now I'm not much of an exhibitionist, ok maybe a little bit in my youth, but being topless for a long period of time in a dressing room can #1 be a bit awkward #2 kind of chilly and #3 made me wonder how do exotic dancers do this for a whole shift and bounce around also.  I have a new respect of those ladies, I couldn't do it.  Anyway after trying on bra after bra after bra, I was getting discouraged.  Either it fit at the band but the cups were too big, or the straps were uncomfortable and one even made me look like I was going to do a music video for Madonna in the 80's.

So after narrowing down the size I kind of needed, another bout to the aisles we head and load up on more to try on.  Now this store has about 8 dressing rooms all in a line.  When no one is in a room the door is open, when someone is occupying a room the door is closed.  Pretty easy system to follow.  Well while enjoying my topless venture and of course, while I was in between fittings, silly me thought the lock on the door worked.  Without a dinner invitation, a promise of marriage, a piece of jewelry or a how do you do, in walks some lady with a handful of shirts to try on.  All I could do was wave and flash a smile, while she looked me directly in the chest region, not my eyes. Which I will take as a compliment, since she seemed to be dazzled by my impressive ability to stand there and not scream bloody murder at her.  Then she quickly shut the door and apologized.  By this time, I was secretly laughing to myself.  So out of curiosity I waited a moment and then put on a top and stepped out.  Out of the 8 dressing rooms, mine was the only one with the door closed, besides the one my fan just walked into.  So this lady must be stalking me, it's the only explanation I can come to since, she had 7 other rooms to choose from, but she chose to open mine!

Savannah laughed at me when I told her.  But she kept an eye out for her for the rest of the day just in case.  I hear stalkers can be a bit of nuisance.

So 4 bras and 4 sports bras were purchased.  This is a huge accomplishment on my part as I promised to throw away all my old bras when I got home, because to be honest, most of them are too big and stretched out and should have been replaced when Bush was in the White House, George W, not his dad.

So it was a successful trip, and after wearing them for a few days, it is nice to have them not laying but actually being supported.  And I have to admit, it was a bit freeing to be topless for that long a period of time, but think I will wait until retirement and sieze the day and go to a nude beach with my best friends like that Walgreen's commercial.  And those that have vacationed with me, I promised to buy a VAT of Sunscreen, I'll buy the spray kind so you don't have to help me rub it on.  I'm that nice of a friend.

So on this weight loss journey I'm having to HAVE TO buy myself new things.  This is not a selfish act but more out of necessity than anything.

Another milestone done and am happy to say that I was happy with my purchases, not only did I buy one and get one half price but got another 35% off my total purchase, so my timing was excellent.  But to be honest it seems like a lot to spend on a small patch of fabric, guys don't spend $40 on one set of underwear, so why do us ladies have to.  Another mystery of the shopping industry I will never understand.

So I raise my glass to the things that surprise us, to the people who help us laugh about them, and to those that love us even though the weirdest things only seem to happen to us.

Be safe my friends and bundle up for the storm that is brewing.  I'm excited for the snow, but I know I'm in the minority, but look forward to some snuggle time with those I love.

Thanks for reading and have a peachy day!!!!

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