Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentines Day-Day of Love or Day of Torture!

Yes, it's the day after Valentines Day and I'm proud to say I did very well but I didn't think I was going to make it.  Valentine's Day has been kind of an extra day for me since my wedding anniversary is 3 days before, so I don't expect much on this day, plus I'm extremely lucky to be with someone who makes me feel loved every day.  I got flowers from my daughter and my son made me cookies.  And my hubby gave me him.  Ok enough mush, back to my thought.
This is a day when flowers and candy are a given, in fact, it's the second biggest chocolate holiday behind Halloween, which means it ranks very high in the "holy crap, do I have the willpower to get though this day" emotion.
Everywhere I turned on this day there was candy handed to me.  Tossed around like it was on fire.  I would stare longingly at the shiny red wrappers and smell the chocolatey goodness inside.  Every corner I took someone was offering me chocolate.  They were being polite but in my mind it was a cosmic sabotage that perhaps Miss Karma was testing my commitment.  Well she wasn't going to win, at least I was determined not to give in and let her win.  I'm slightly competitive like that.
So despite baracading myself in my office for the day in order to avoid all the temptation surrounding me, my precious son, Spencer, wanted to do something for his Mom and Dad for Valentines and made homemade chocolate chip cookies (see that chocolate thing keeps creeping up on me).  He forgot that his Dad and I don't eat cookies at this time, but that it was super sweet of him to make us cookies.  Now to look into those big blue eyes and say that we weren't going to eat his cookies was enough to break even Hercules.  What kind of cold hearted mother would deny their wonderful, caring, thoughtful child of eating one of his creations made with his own two hands all by himself and he even cleaned up and did all the dishes after?
The answer to that question, ladies and gentlemen, is ME! Call me a monster, heck, give me a scarlett letter to wear on my chest with an H, for horrible, uncaring mother of the year.  I gave him a hug, told him he was the best kid ever but I knew from the heavenly smell of them and all the chocolate chips staring at me that if I started with one I don't think I could stop myself from eating more.  My Spencer is the greatest and he decided to put 4 cookies in the foodsaver and put in the freezer for the day I did decide I could actually eat them.  I'm lucky to have a great kid!  He also froze a piece of his confirmation cake from September for me too, it's still in the freezer by the way, but it looks delicious.
Anyway, the funny part is, while my husband and I were in the kitchen at 8:00 last night and he had a craving for something sweet, he went for his yogurt, I'm not a yogurt fan, so I joked that if he just crumbled a cookie in it, it would probably taste better.  He in turn said, "I'll split one with you, and I will crumble it in my yogurt".  The love of my life was willing to cheat on his diet and basically was promising not to tell a sole of our transgression.  But I give him a big kiss and and hug and told him nice try, but NO!  Eat your yogurt and I walked away, secretly kicking myself in the backside for being such a stubborn chick but deep down a little proud of myself for not caving.  It's so easy to cave if you have a partner willing to do the crime with you and excuse the expression "hide the body so no one knows".  A good cover up person is hard to find.  Not that I've needed a cover up person, But should I ever need one, it's good to know I have one handy that sleeps next to me.
So did you survive on love or chocolate yesterday?  Lucky for me, I chose LOVE.  Love for my goals, love my progress, and love for myself.  Though I have to admit it was not easy in any sense of the word.  In fact, I unwrapped a chocolate and was devilishly close to popping it in my mouth, when a small voice deep down whispered, "do you want to do 250 squats and 100 crunches just to work off this tiny little piece of chocolate?  Just the thought of all the exercise to work off this very small bite of heaven was enough for me to put the wrapper back on and say no thank you.  Also I really am not a huge fan of squats and crunches.  I do them often, but not my fave to do, that's a struggle for a different post.
So another holiday survived, though there were some close calls.  But waking up without a ring of chocolate wrappers around my body and not suffering from a sugar coma this morning was an extreme high.
So if you kind of fell off the wagon yesterday, give yourself a "get out of jail free" card and move forward.  Today is a new day and each day is a fresh start.  They say every journey begins with a single step and every kiss begins with k.  Ha ha just had to throw that in there.
So keep your chin up and your heart light for we are the champions, my friend, and we'll keep on fighting til the end!!!! (Any Queen fan's out there, shout out to you)
Thanks for reading and a peachy day to all!

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