Friday, January 13, 2017

No Magic Pill

Ever hear the saying:
Losing weight is Hard
Being fat is Hard.
Pick your Hard!
That's the mentality I had to come too. After my first post and having so much feedback and an in depth discussion with my bestie on the elliptical machine tonight (a phrase I never thought I would utter out loud), I need to state that I don't have the magic pill to lose weight. If I did I would set up shop and become the next contestant on Shark Tank, and no prescription needed, but no I don't have a magic pill.  I got the official PhD speech that I was Obese (ok let's be real, I was fat, obese makes it sound like you are shaped like an oreo cookie, ok now I'll dream of oreos tonight) and that was the reason my knees were bad. Plus knee surgery scared the jelly beans out of me.
The doctor said this is your only option: lose the weight. Well I don't need an ACME anvil to land on my head as the roadrunner and coyote just stare and scratch their heads.
I struggle mentally every day, not all day, I have my moments and daydreams of cheesecake and cupcakes and well just cake. My brain imagines the scene from Willy Wonka where they can eat everything in the room. Jelly balls, huge gummy bears, tea cups and I'm Augustus Gloop touching the sacred chocolate river (the only one mixed by waterfall by the way) and scooping it quickly into my mouth. Warm and chocolaty and I wake myself up just when I get stuck in the tube before the Oompa Lompas sing a song of my gluttony and demise
I picked my hard. I work out 6 days a week. Do I WANT to every day? Nope, nada! But I whine in my head, text my bestie saying I'm on my way and tell my son we ARE going. The faster I get there the sooner I'm done. Is is HARD? Heck yes, especially if it's icy or snowy and I'd rather snuggle with a blanket and a movie than do go get sweaty and go out into the below zero cold.
I choose to follow my instructions to the letter. Portion control, healthy food, no junk. Exercise. Protein, vegetables and fruit. But do I crave a cheeseburger the size of my head! All the time and I've noticed I watch ALOT of the Food Channel.  I like seeing food I don't eat, guess I live vicariously through those people on the screen shoveling in gooey, sumptuous delights. Carnival Eats is my new addiction   and guess what? I can binge watch the shows and no calories and I don't feel like I have to go to the gym after I watch it.
Remember 5th grade health, pretty basic stuff! Eat well, exercise and you will grow strong and healthy! Who knew that stuff was true!! They forget to tell you about stress, peer pressure,  pregnancy,  motherhood, or adulthood for that matter. Life is not a merry go round, nice and steady while you sit and watch the world go by. It's a Rollercoaster through a tiltawhirl while spinning in circles trying not to vomit on your shoes all while trying to balance your checkbook. What makes it easier is family and friends willing to hold back your hair and help you get up when you stumble. But the funny thing is I like Rollercoasters and tiltawhirls and spinning in circles, I don't balance my checkbook very well but I am getting a handle on this .
So I would say once I got OUT of my own  head, I was limitless in what I can do. Need a workout buddy, call me! Need someone to talk you away from that piece of chocolate cake,  call me. Need someone to cry to because you ate the whole cake and now you feel low or need some pepto,  call me. I've been there but think my biggest help has been a friend (Amanda you are my reason to go to gym on those days i wanna say no) who loves and supports me with no judging, listens and encourages me. Do you need a friend like that, I'm here and only a text or call away. I'm serious. Can't promise that my dirty mind won't corrupt you but I do promise you will smile. I can always use another friend, if you need one, I have references, ignore the stories of streaking and skinny dipping that was in my youth. Ok maybe it was last fall but I WAS younger then than I am now. See you're smiling aren't you! Be well my friends! !

POUNDS LOST TO 01/08/2017:   62 POUNDS


  1. Thank you so much for reading!!!!!

  2. A lot of awesomeness in this post Sandy! Thanks for sharing! :) Love your reference to Willy Wonka (also a favorite book and movie of mine)! I'm doing the Whole30 program and it opens similarly to yours: "It is not hard. Don't you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard." I've started taking this really to heart, with the thought of my loved ones who have had much more to deal with than my addiction to food! thank you for sharing your journey with us! Very motivating!


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