Monday, October 23, 2017

Judging others apparently doesn't require a law degree.

A fellow reader is struggling with something that I struggle with also and asked me for my advice, so here is my small rant that I have to spill out before it festers into something big and possibly angry enough to stomp a small town like Godzilla.
I've been pretty honest in my posts, sometimes surprising myself in how much I was willing to share.  Do I tell you every single little tiny thing?  NO!
This journey was MY journey to take.  I didn't cheat, I didn't take the easy way, I took the way I hoped would work.  I've shared my ups and downs and to those I've trusted they may know some more detailed info but the struggle and work I've posted is 100% all me!  I started to post in order to keep me accountable with myself, it just happened that there were a lot of people who also struggled with the same issues and related to what I posted.
No one else sacrificed, sweated, and pushed forward, I did it all, no one did it for me.
Sometimes you have 2 choices in choosing a path:
#1 - is to stay on the path you are on and deal the with consequences of not doing anything or
#2 - take the risk and go where you don't know but at least you tried path
So if you have a question about my journey - ASK ME!
then I have the choice of sharing or not.  Do you share everything you do with the world? Of course not.  When you go the magic show, you lose the magic if the magician sat there and described step by step what he was doing.  I'm not trying to hide anything and 99.9% of the time I'm happy to share my story, but after one year, it not about how I started or what I did, but about how I'm doing now and what I'm doing NOW! The chain of events that brought me to this point are in my posts, every word is true and I shared what I was comfortable in sharing.
So for those guessing and speculating about my journey, I wish you well and luck in your endeavors.  The Enquirer version is much more judgment and gossip worthy.  But if you truly cared to know the "whole" story, you would have asked me in the past 12 months, that was when I was in the hardest part of my journey.  But since you didn't, I guess you missed your window.
To my fellow reader, GS from the UK, who is also struggling with this, I say brave forward, those that truly care will tell you minus the audience of social media.  Remember those that you trust and have shown their support, personal interaction with those who are there for you will help you succeed.
Weight loss is a deeply personal and heart wrenching process and unless you have been where I was, then you can not truly understand, but to those of you, all 7,000+ that read this every week, know that you are stronger than those that judge you.  You have great importance in this world and you are one of kind.
So don't let those that choose to relate to you second hand, you deserve face to face interaction and guess what? You are in control of what you wish to share.  Be strong and have faith because the wolves in sheep's clothing get easier to spot when you have more confidence in yourself.
So rant over, but to my fellow friends working on being healthier, you are not alone, every day is a gift and it's up to YOU how you use it.
It's YOUR choice to let the negative get you off track.  But being happy and healthy is a great revenge against those ney sayers. So to GS in the UK, I say stay strong and keep moving forward because you are WORTH IT!

So keep your chin high and remember that the only opinion about you that matters is your own!

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