Thursday, April 6, 2017

In this world nothing can be certain, except death and taxes!

It's that time of the year when the snow start to melt, the sun start to shine, the grass starts to get green and its time to do your taxes.
Now when I was younger, tax season was a great time because it was like having a savings account that paid you back yearly. Sometimes it was more and sometimes less but always it was a magical time when your Uncle Sam sent you a check and since my birthday is April 16th, is was like he was giving me my own special birthday money.
Now that I'm older and established in my career and working hard, seems my Uncle Sam seems to think I need to contribute a bit more each year to help compensate for his lack of being able to budget his money.  I have suggested perhaps he should start doing extreme couponing, but he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to do so.

Mr. Benjamin Franklin made his famous quote, "In this world nothing can be certain, except death and taxes!" How kind of one of the forefathers of this country to laying it the line.  You can detain death, eat healthy, exercise, avoid unnecessary risk, but when it comes to taxes, when the bell tolls it tolls for everyone and April 15 is when Quazee Moto goes to the bell tower and starts swaying from the bells announcing to the country the deadline is here.

My son asked me what do our taxes go to.  And to be honest I had to google it.  It was interesting:

It goes towards defense, healthcare programs, money to those in need, interest on the national debt, veterans benefits, education and job placement, immigration and law enforcement, natural resources and science related programs (like NASA).  Now this is just a skimming of what it goes towards but you get the idea.

I'm not going to get political with you.  Just an observation as I get ready to go the tax man, which looks a lot like someone walking to the guillotine. It's like sitting in the principals office waiting to see what your punishment is going to be for trying to survive another year.  Every year I sit and listen as he goes through paper after paper and all I really care to know is there going to be a comma in the check I have to write.

But I do my duty, and file my taxes.  I pull up my big girl panties (which are a few sizes smaller from last year) and I smile and I send what I'm supposed to, I sign the papers and as an American citizen I hand over what would be an amazing vacation to the Bahamas, or a down payment on a small 2nd home on the lake.  Then I go home triumphant that I have made it through another year of taxes all while secretly happy that I got to use my Winnie the Pooh checks again.

So just a little ditty today, while the sun has decided to visit for a day or two.  Enjoy your day, get a little sun on your face and a song in your heart.  For you only have another week to finish your taxes and that my dear you can be certain!!!!!!

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