Thursday, April 27, 2017

Working Out-You be the Judge!

I go to the gym at least six days a week.  I've been taking a quilting class, so that is my one day off.  So while at the gym yesterday I started to think.  Does anyone pay attention to what is going on while they are working out?

I can say that 90% of the time, I'm so involved in my own routine, music, and trying desperately not to fall off whatever machine I'm on to pay much attention to those around me.  Sometimes people tap me to get me attention and I practically jump out of my skin, it's almost like I'm a cartoon cat and I'm end up hanging from the ceiling from my claws.

Occasionally, I notice who is in the gym, who is in front of me or who happens to be behind or beside me.  The other day was a prime example.  Now I know I'm not Usane Bolt and I will never run in the Olympics, but I think I'm progressing nicely and even though my form may be amateur, my intent is pure.  But I was on the treadmill, mind you I was there first.  I was working my way up to a run, now my knees need the warm up before forcing them to support my weight in a full run.  A person (description will be excluded to protect the anonymous) took the treadmill next to me, now mind you there are 5 other treadmills to use and not in use, but they chose the one directly next to me, so I smiled at them and continued on my little journey.  Fine, I understand that people are creatures of habit and if you like a particular machine I get the choice.  So this person starts at a dead run.  Peachy, kudos to them for having the stamina and physical attributes to start off like I just pulled the trigger on a track pistol.

What I didn't necessarily notice until a few minutes later was that this person was looking at my machine and seemed to be comparing their workout to mine.  And maybe they have facial ticks while working out, but they seemed to grimace and smirk at my machine.  Fine, be judgy if you wish.  I was impressed you started out like you were running from some big bear who had just got out of hibernation and was looking for a meal to fill his belly.

I also noticed when I did get up to my "running speed"  that you would look over at my machine and up your machine to, I don't know, prove you could go faster.  Hey, I could go faster if I wanted, but then again it would be me going faster out the back of the treadmill on a one way trip on my backside while doing all sorts of yoga poses in mid air.  Plus I can guarantee that I wouldn't be sticking the landing, unless you count me laying in a mass of body parts on the floor gasping for air as a landing.

Once my workout was over, I cleaned my machine, turned to Judgement Central and smiled.  I'm not hear to judge, I'm here to make my butt smaller.  I don't know this person, I see them at the gym often and I still smile.

I think if you are going to the gym, or just outside walking, whether you be the fittest of fit or just starting on your health journey, GOOD FOR YOU!  I will never judge and will also smile and offer encouragement to those that are giving an effort.  I was the fat girl before and when I started going to the gym, I have to admit, I had a bit of a phobia.  I didn't want anyone to make fun of me, if I could only walk for 20 minutes at a snail's pace then that was a start.  Did I wish I could just start running from the get go and keep up with some of those that could run and make it look so easy?  Yes.  But each day I do better.  Each day I'm a little stronger, I'm little more confident.

So if you happen to be next to me, in front of me or behind me (well if you are behind me and you see my head popping or my arms flinging about, I'm just really into my music and I have a tendency to add a few dance moves in my routine in order to make the time go faster, so this is my gift to you to see my excellent dance moves that occasionally put me off balance and you get to chuckle at my flawless (ever comical) recovery before I fall off the machine I'm on).

I sincerely don't pay attention to what is going on around me while I'm working out.  Once my earbuds are in, I'm completely zoned into my own world.  I hear nothing but my music and the thoughts in my head.  My goal is to do what I went to the gym to do and not fall or injure myself.  This is a full time concentration skill that I have to work at every second I'm working out.

So to those that judge others for trying to make themselves better.  Shame on you for deflating someone when all they are trying to do is improve their world.  But for those of you that encourage, support, heck don't even pay attention, a gold star to you for giving those of us that may be scared to step into a gym because we don't have cute outfits to wear or sweat as though are doing jumping jacks on the surface of the sun.

If we just smile and give of ourselves selflessly, imagine all the wonderful things that would come from it.

So if you are scared to go to the gym, put on your sneakers, grab your favorite tunes and get going.  Fear is a powerful thing, but happiness and accomplishment beats fear in the backside every time.  Be brave my friends and take that first step, before you know it you will be running!

Stay warm and enjoy your week!  Have a peachy day!

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