Friday, December 29, 2017

Year Coming to a Close-Goodbye 2017- HELLO 2018

So with only a few days left in this wonderful year of 2017.  Many pounds have been lost, much happiness has been gained.  Clothes have been purchased in smaller sizes.  Miles and miles have been ran and thousands of squats have been done.  Planks are stronger and core is building.

Now is not a time to slack, but a time to push forward and up the ante.  I haven't hit my ideal goal (Around 16 more pounds to go) that I have in my head and that will be my main goal this year along with increasing my strength and muscle.  Also I think I need to do 10 5k's this year.  These aren't resolutions, because if you have ever done a resolution, you are all gung ho the first few weeks and then you say, "forget it" (ok maybe you say something a bit more colorful, but this is a PG13 blog) and it gets put down like broccoli at a chocolate festival.

January seems to be everyone's starting point for a healthier life.  I was at my gym the other day and just marveled at how there was only a few people there, I could use any machine I wanted or floor work without having anyone next to me.  This is be a fleeting memory until February.  The first month at my gym, seems like people are coming out of the woodwork.  I have to go later in the evening to get a machine, which is fine. I say bravo to them for starting their adventure, but come the second week in February, there seems to be a bit more machines open and if the weather gets colder and snowier, it gets to ghost town status some nights.  So if your goal this year is to go to the gym, don't give up.  I started last November 2016 and made a commitment to work out at least 6 times a week.  In the winter I do the majority of it at my gym, but when it gets a bit warmer, I do like to venture outside and sometimes it's easy to slip a quick 30 minutes at home, but I work out 6 times a week as a rule.  Now it's not a resolution, it's not a goal, it just IS.  It is what I do, like breathing and blinking.  It's just something that I don't even think about anymore as HAVING to do, but as something I DO!

So when you are writing your "resolutions", be realistic, the worst squasher of resolutions is having unreal expectations.  Don't set yourself up for failure!  Set yourself up for success.  Make a goal and stick to it.  If you want to lose weight, remember every pound is a success.  If you want to quit doing or start doing something, science says it takes about 21 days before it starts to be a habit.  So give yourself a 21 day goal to see where you are.  By then, you know whether it is something that is working for you or against you.

As I re-read my blogs, I am amazed at what I shared, my warped sense of humor, and also how far I've come.  I never thought I could be where I am now, but here I am, killing it like a rock star.

So 2017 was my BIG year of change, though I officially started in September 2016, 2017 was when I did all my big milestones, hitting 100 pounds of weight loss, being able to wear a pair of size 10 jeans, being able to run, being able to do a plank for longer than 10 seconds, and being able to let go of all the hurt I was carrying for so long.  This was my biggest accomplishment, at least in my eyes.

So with 2018 just around the corner, write down what you want to see happen to you, put it in an envelope and open it in July (yes JULY), this way if you haven't quite gotten things on your list done you still have 6 months to give a another shot.

So a very Happy New Year to all my readers and to all friends and family that have given me their supports, their humor, and their love to help me this year.  2018 is going to be even better, so stay tuned.

So see you next year my friends, have a peachy New Year's Weekend!


  1. Sandy, you are an inspiration and make me smile each week. Keep it up girlfriend.


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